Wednesday, August 4, 2010 - 0 comments


苦: studying for progress test; its really a kind of torture cuz I will never study for it voluntarily; Im forced to study you know?!

樂: camwhores~ actually not that enjoy but, at least better than studying!

Took this when I was revising for P1~PA.

What a lame subject to study huh!?

Another revision night~

Just only the stuff that I study is changed.

Now its the turn for P7~Audit.

&& its clear that Ive lost my concentration ;p

Yewyew's big family~ =b

Saw his name?!

Mr.Goh, the only guy who is teaching me this semester ;p



But... where is my S.H.E ♥ ?


過了明天, 我就解脫啦!~


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