Friday, August 6, 2010 - , 0 comments


Back from Yee Soon's farewell @ Dragon-I; Pyramid.
He is gonna fly to London soon, next Monday night.
Bye-bye to him and 'one road along wind' orh! =p
Haha, is 一路順風 la. Jiayou buddy~! [:


Tomorrow is Saturday again!!
Should be feeling happy right? The very first weekend after test wor...
But the sad case is... I still need to stay at home cuz Uncle Liew is coming to my house to do some renovation and... Im appointed by my mum to be the watchdog again ):

Aiyo, I wanna watch movies lar!!!

It looks like very interesting when I viewed the trailer. Must watch!

&& this, which is coming soon 12th of August! Definitely must support LeeHom so also must watch!

Apart from the movies, I also wanna have this as my lunch/dinner.

McD GCB! I wanna try it! Really cant stop my saliva from dropping tim =p
(Actually I feel a little bit hungry now.. 呵呵~)

&& next thing not to forget is... another DURIANS trip this Sunday! Yayyay ^^

Jiaying (:


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