Monday, August 23, 2010 - , 0 comments

Exam Results

Results for the June 2010 session were out and obviously there's no miracle this round -.-

Your examination results for the June 2010 session issued on 23-AUG-10 are:
Paper Details: F8INT Aud. & Ass.
Result: Pass
Mark: 59
Paper Details: P2INT Corp. Rep.
Result: Pass
Mark: 50
Paper Details: P3 Bus. Ana.
Result: Fail
Mark: 48

48?!! WTH is this? I failed this stupid business paper just because of the two marks were not given?
I need to study for business analysis all over again because of the selfish marker and the stupid two marks?

Its actually all my fault! Is ME, the one who studied not enough for the exams! 种什麽因, 得什麽果。
Even though I think I have studied enough for P3 but maybe its because of not doing enough questions bah?!
Actually, before checking my results, I would think that the possibility of failing P2 is bigger than P3.

Hmmm.. dad and 三哥 had asked me to appeal to ACCA but I dont think it works 'cuz if they pass me then many more will go for appeal too and a bit means that we use money to bribe them to let us pass lo. && there are some of the seniors went appeal before but the truth is they didnt get what they wanted too in the end and ended up wasting money. So, I think the best will be go for resit and not to remark the paper.

Despite P3, basically Im still very happy with my results de because I passed my P2!!
Ngam ngam 50 leh, 真是菩薩保佑啊!
The best is I dont have to study this horrible paper again! Ms.Menon, byebye lo! Hahaha~

Failed P3 but passed P2 plus officially done F level papers... what a bittersweet feeling huh!? LOL

下定決心, after today, I will start to study hard again! Just like last time I failed my law paper. ;b
Gambateh Jiaying!~ You can score even well next round! At least must pass! Jiayou lo~


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