Monday, August 23, 2010 - 0 comments

Strawberry Rocky Biscuit Stick

深夜時分, should be sleeping but Im still watching <Beauty Knows No Pain> now... to reduce my nervous to an acceptable level(藉口)... with my new addiction ~ strawberry rocky biscuit sticks!

I bought many from Giant yesterday ;p 'cuz I love it very much! Yummy! Yummy!

Btw, the internet speed was so sucks!
People already finished the whole series but Im still stuck at CH 08. WTH?!
Hey streamyx, can you be faster a bit? I still wanna watch <Cant Buy Me Love> de leh!! Please, okay?

Almost nine hours later still need to check my results leh? Just hope that the internet and the ACCA website wont be so lag and do hope that there's a miracle!
Yup, Im just waiting for a miracle 'cuz I really dont have any confidence to pass all of the papers that I took -.-

Anyways, good luck to me and all those CAT and ACCA candidates! :)


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