Thursday, August 12, 2010 - 0 comments

Yeesoon’s farewell

Date: 06/08/2010
Venue: Dragon-i ; Sunway Pyramid

&& he is currently in London UK already!
All the best to him and good luck! :)

Me & him


Girls~ (one word gao dim ;p)

Group photos!

Credits: Jenny

I actually saw those photos from facebook few days ago, but Im just too lazy to update so here they come =b

Okay, done!

p\s: 現在真的有流星雨看嗎?
莉珊說有, 貼吧也有人在討論, 説是獅子座流星雨... 可是, 他們在中國耶! Malaysia也有嗎?

Signing off,
Jiaying [:


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