Saturday, August 7, 2010 - 0 comments

titleless :b

What a boring Saturday?!

Just stayed at home and watched those pirate movies and dramas that downloaded long long ago~

And of course, this needed to say thank you to yewyew... because she is the one who download all of them.

God, I saw the slogan of S.H.E's concert ~ SHE IS THE ONE after I typed the above sentence. Haha (=

Movies that I watched:
  • Beauty On Duty
  • Short Of Love
  • A-Team
  • Date Night
  • Killers
  • She's Out Of My League
  • Monga
This is good you know, Ive saved almost 70 bucks if average 10 bucks per movie ;b
&& the best thing is.... I can skip those boring and lame or yucks scenes, saved my time too!

I feel that TW movies are nowadays getting better and better lo... which I think they are now actually nicer than HK's one, but aiyar, different people have different taste la. This is just my own opinions! (Dont bang me okay!?)

  • A Pillow Case Of Mystery II ; CH 08
Only HK dramas~
Not really nice to watch but at least I got things to do.

Cartoon from tv/astro:
  • Georgie
Nice! Georgie and Abel, the best couple in the cartoon world~

If We Ever Meet Again, one of the songs that I used to listen to it lately.
I dont really like the melody/music but I love its lyrics. <3
If we ever meet again, I may not be the same, just maybe not the same.

Loves but bored,
Jiaying (:


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