Saturday, December 31, 2011 - 0 comments

Happy New Year 2012!

Do you believe in the rumour about 2012 is the end of the world?

What if it's true? What will be the things / words that you may have wanted to do / tell to your beloved?

My answer: Dunno.. Never thought about this before...

Anyway, wishing an advance Happy New Year to everyone! :)

Oh yea, I cut my hair, just now at Zephora Hair Studio @ Puchong Jaya!

A new short hairstyle for a new good year 2012.

Comment: I miss my long hair now ;p

Signing off,
Hmmm.... What to do on the last day of 2011?
Thursday, December 29, 2011 - , 0 comments

Inborn Pair

My new addiction for this December!

Drama plus all of its theme songs...

Already few days didn't touch my laptop; only managed to watch this drama using my iPhone 4 for one hour each night. Sigh.. I have already start feeling tired of working even though I just started it for few days!
Friday, December 23, 2011 - 0 comments

Greenie nails for this Christmas! ^^

I've finally found the green that I wanted for so long from Natural Republic @ One U Shopping Centre. (:

Photo taken with the Nokia E90

Using my iPhone 4's camera

From our Lumix GF1

Which one looks better? Hmm?

Signing off,
I am waiting for the Episode 9 of <Inborn Pair>! How about you? ;p
Thursday, December 22, 2011 - 0 comments

Happy Winter Solstice Festival!

今天又是一年一度的冬至佳節啦!呵呵~ 其實是快過完了。。不過還是趕得及祝大家:冬至快樂!吃了湯圓,就會團團圓圓、圓圓滿滿哦!(:

Tuesday, December 20, 2011 - 0 comments





一個星期,五天;一天,一小時;追得過! (:

One of the trailer:



Mayday の <>

Sunday, December 18, 2011 - 0 comments

Burgers, anyone?

Even though I have just eaten a burger for lunch today, which is the Super Star with Cheese from Carl's Jr., I am still craving for burgers now!

I am much more interested in the reverse burger compared to the maxi burgers but, I have never been that place before and I dunno whether I can reach there safely or not? LOL Summore, is it easy to find a parking there? That's also a question need to be considered. I left a comment on the Everyday's page but no one reply me. :(

Or... maybe I should just change my mind to go and have some desserts?

Saturday, December 17, 2011 - , 0 comments

Dream A New Dream.

LOL but still needa say CONGRATULATIONS to Selina & AhDiong for helding their second banquet in Zhang Hua today. 

曲:王力宏 詞:蔡康永

沒人喜歡紅燈 最好可以超車
奔跑過 當然擁有過快樂
但靈魂也會餓 停下聽肚子唱歌
我想 暫時先躺一下 想跟大家請個假 讓花隨風改變吧
不一定要狂奔 不一定要計分 暫停人生換一個吻
就算是 風吹亂我的夢 再不能觸摸 就算方向變不同 重作一個夢
天使會再降臨 陰霾終會過 我經歷了沉淀過 再作夢

我們害怕停頓 怕孤獨怕會冷
夢醒後 發現沒毀滅什麼
恍惚中眼朦朧 花還香陽光閃爍
明天 我還是那個我 一樣熱忱和執著 相信未來會快樂
抱着全新的夢 前往新的生活 沿路收獲新的感動
就算是 風吹亂我的夢 再不能觸摸 就算方向變不同 重作一個夢
天使會再降臨 陰霾終會過 我經歷了沉淀過 再作夢

就算是 風吹亂我的夢 再不能觸摸 (我的夢)
就算方向變不同 重作一個夢 (重作一個夢)
就算我也想念 原來那個夢 (那個夢) 但我接受新邀請 再作夢

還是比較喜歡力宏的調調。。傑綸的 <夢>,終究不是我的那杯茶啊。


Can't get into sleep at this moment..
I am waiting for to upload the newest episode of <Inborn Pair>! Really can't wait to watch Ep 4!!! Why the hell is it still not up yet?! Urrhhhh...

Ps: Ginger 回娘家了。。有點想念她了。。
Tuesday, December 13, 2011 - , 0 comments

Day 3: I am still afraid of the Ginger!

Gloves and socks! Get ready & go! Gin~~~~~ger, jiejie is coming...

Staring at me huh?

She sticks to yewyew like glue. She follows her around everywhere and can't even leave her a second! The moment yew walks into the kitchen, she runs and follows behind her, or when the time yew is bathing, she will just wait for her in front of the bathroom. So cute~!

Sometimes, she listens to my commands too. She will come near me and sit down when I called her name and asked her to "sit". Smart girl.
Monday, December 12, 2011 - , 0 comments

Ginger in the house - Day 2

Here are some photos of GINGER that we took today.
Ps: iPhone 4 camera's quality is really so so only...

Her body, hands and legs are long.

I think she's so tired and sleepy.
Didn't sleep well last night as yesterday was her first night staying at our house.
Even yewyew had to accompany her until 3am in the living room there. *Kesiannya my meimei!*

Quite cute but..................

I really don't dare to touch her directly using my hands!
So I was wearing gloves and the socks like a crazy fella. LOL
The most stupid is... I will just start running or jumping around and screaming loud when she comes near me and sniffs & licks my feet.

But, I love to call her name.
Gin~~~~~~ger! ^^

The white is here for Christmas.

Question for today:
Should I or shouldn't I get the new white version of the Samsung Galaxy Note?
It's now available in Malaysia and the DiGi store!

I really wish to own one after I saw its commercial on TV. I was attracted by the feature of freely cropping the captured screens in any shape or form just using the precision S pen. It's easier than photoshop-ing the photos I think.

Daddy said he's definitely going to buy this smart phone. & I think he will choose the black colour one. If, I said if, he get the white version, then I won't be buying.

Besides that, my second worry is... MONEY! I have just changed my old Nokia phone to iPhone 4 few months ago and now needa take 1600 bucks out again for this note? Millionaire meh?!

They changed a new theme.

Bee** Wee whang whang.... (:

These two deals not bad. But it really sound stupid to book the desserts one day in advance. Why can't they just let us redeem by walk in oh? Weird!

So... to buy or not to buy? That's the question for tonight. Hahaa.. really needa sleep le. Good night peeps!

A new family member ~ GINGER

My house just got a newcomer today.

So now let me introduce this Shih-Tzu dog to you.

GINGER is her name. Actually, I wanted to call her STARBUCKS but she's already two-year-old and she knew her name. So smart!
(Arhhh, I wanna drink Starbucks' Cranberry White Chocolate Mocha Frappuccino tim....)

Hmm.. Don't think I am happy and welcoming her as part of my family. In fact, I am still afraid of dogs! Even though they keep on telling me that the dogs are cute and harmless, I still can't get rid of the fear in my mind. Luckily this girl is not as active as the MIRU and the RUSTY. These two guys, one is super-duper 色 and another one is super-duper lazy! LOL

And do you know what happens to me at 姑姑's house today? I was scared by the stupid MIRU and this is the first time I cried because of a dog! *fish* 它一下子就跳上我的身,吓得我去掉半条命啊!也太熱情了吧它!
Saturday, December 10, 2011 - 0 comments

╔ Jump Ashin! • 翻滾吧! 阿信 ╝

很久以前因為他演了 S.H.E 的 MV 而開始注意到彭于晏這個大男生。後來,他有一部電影 <聽說> 也很讓我印象深刻。那是一部很棒的電影!

這一次,他的新作品,<翻滾吧!阿信> 我也聽到很多人都說好看,就連我們家寶貝也很支持,所以我也一直都很期待。很可惜的是,我問過了我們這裡的 GSC 和 TGV, 他們都說這部戲並不會在馬來西亞上映。有點失望,不過我能做的,只有等待。直到我考試前,我終於在某個下載網站找到了這一部戲。


Ratings: 6 out of 10



我想問,阿信的爸爸 or 導演的爸爸,有看過流星花園hor?

Thursday, December 8, 2011 - , , 0 comments

The Movie: New Perfect Two Official Trailer

1月20日 賀歲首選 全家開心

阿B <周渝民飾> 原是個叱吒賽車場的冠軍車手,卻因一場意外,失去名與利,也同時失去心愛的老婆,但卻整日用酒精與賭博麻醉自己,看破人生。而他的鄰居馬妞 <Ella飾> ­­­心疼阿B的處境,甘願為他燒菜、洗衣、打掃,一切都出自於馬妞對阿B的愛,然而這份愛只能默默放在心裡,也不在乎阿B總是把他當哥兒們看,只期待有一天阿B可以振作不­要­再­墮落。

某天,阿B失蹤六年的老婆家蔚 <楊冪飾> 突然帶著5歲的拖油瓶彬彬 <小小彬飾> 出現,家蔚宣稱彬彬是阿B的親生子,希望阿B可以幫忙照顧一陣子。這突如其來的舉動讓阿B又­­­驚又喜,彬彬可愛體貼的個性有如陽光般溫暖他冰凍已久的心,儘管一開始有如新手奶爸般手忙腳亂,但漸漸地兩人發展出難以割捨的父子情,他們快樂地玩耍、釣魚、騎腳踏車­、­看­夕陽,原本自暴自棄的阿B,生命重新燃起一絲希望。


光是看預告片,我就已經哭了!So touched!
PS: 要記得帶紙巾哦!哈哈
再PS: 我又重新愛上仔仔了。。。
Tuesday, December 6, 2011 - , 0 comments


Great. I screwed up my P4 again! :(

I feel it's easy. And I think it's even easier than the last semester, BUT, the point is.. I DON'T KNOW HOW TO DO!

I really thought this would be my last round but..... Sigh..
Quite disappointed with myself! Maybe P4 is just not my cup of tea (I prefer coffee lol); I think I will just switch to P6, if, I fail. *touch-wood*

P4 - Advanced Financial Management
Question 1 :
Investment in foreign country and closing down local production facility
(NPV, APV & Political risks)
I was so blur and confused! Mess up my workings!
Perhaps even the professional marks of 4 also I won't be getting. I really wanna cry la!

Question 2 :
Interest rates hedging
(Futures, Options & Collars)
I should know how to do de! But I was scared by the "no basis risk" and the date makes me confused! Now is 1st of May 2012 or 4 months later huh?! WTH? Bully my English lousy izzit?! Haizz.. Whatever la..
Questions we did in class all have basis risk, so when SM came up with one question there's no basis risk for futures, I totally stuck at there and can't proceed with the options.
And also, what the hell is the collar!? I know it's to buy PUT and sell CALL options at the same time and same strike price but I dunno how to structure it. Damn to the max!

Question 3 :
It's from the articles issued by Mr. Shishir Malde, P4 examiner.
I have read through the articles for dunno how many times and found that they are actually quite simple to understand.
However, I dunno how to apply the concepts that I have learnt into the question. That kills me!

Question 4 :
Management buy-outs and debt-covenant
Confirmed that there will be no marks gaining in this question. 18 marks all gone. I don't even have the time to look at the scenario. Very poor time management skills I had.

Lucky clover will bring good luck right?

So I hope I will pass the exam. *Pray hardly from now onwards*

50 is already enough, deal?
Sunday, December 4, 2011 - , 0 comments

Good luck.

The day after tomorrow is P4's big day!

This is my second attempt for it and I really hope I can pass and graduate from ACCA!!!

See the big pimple on my forehead? Too stress huh?!

God, if you could see it, then please just let me pass my P4 this round okay? Thank you.

Good luck to all who are taking the exams in the next two weeks. All the best ya people!!! (:

Ps: I can't wait to finish my last paper! :D
After this, I am gonna watch lots of movies and dramas, especially <Jump Ashin!>, <Magic To Win> & <怒火街頭>!
And also, PORK BURGER~! Gonna redeem the vouchers that I purchased from Groupon.
Also not to forget that, the Häagen-Dazs® Ice Cream Fondue! I think the vouchers from UOB should be arriving on these few days. YAY
I am actually drooling now. Heehee
Friday, December 2, 2011 - , , 0 comments

「你被寫在我的歌裡」Official MV

Yeah yeah yeah oh yeah!
The music video is out~! (:

It feels a bit messy, but the background is nice and beautiful. Especially the cute little house. I love it!

This song is just so awesome until I can't get bored of listening to it. *LIKE*
Wednesday, November 30, 2011 - , , 0 comments

The Movie: New Perfect Two BTS *updated on 14th of December*

This BTS just popped out suddenly few days ago. Too sad that it's not screening in Malaysia. :(

To be honest, I look forward to this film more than Wu Chun's movies. This story sounds interesting to me!

Second BTS released by perfecttwo0120:

I am waiting for Ella's version of the BTS!

I prefer the first poster even though there's no Ella.
The second one looks weird and simply just put all the characters on the poster. LOL MESSY!


Ella 陳嘉樺,加油!
Thursday, November 24, 2011 - , , 0 comments

「你被寫在我的歌裡」MV BTS

Finally there's some news on the song <>, after waiting for sooooo long!

The official music video of this song will be premiered on the 2nd of December!!!!! YES~! :)

So while waiting for the mv to be released, let us just take a look at the BTS.

美奇解接 looks good in this outfit! I like her heels and her hairdo, looks so young and sweet!

阿轟 & 解接, and the members of Sodagreen, they are so funny and cuteee~!


Ps: How I wish WuChun is the male lead in the mv! It's already 5 years and when will they be actually having the chances of starring a drama or movie together? Is it really a DREAM that I can't reach?


Things that I'm looking forward to:-

26th of Nov - the gorgeous 美奇解接 in Golden Horse Awards Ceremony

28th of Nov - Chun's movie promo tour in KL

1st of Dec - WuChun's new film <Magic To Win> starts screening

2nd of Dec - <你被寫在我的歌裡> MV first airing

6th of Dec - P4's final

16th of Dec - Selina releasing her new EP and her second banquet (Congratulations once again to her!)


Tomorrow needa accompany parents to go for a body check at Plaza IBM.

Hope that their reports are good & "beautiful"!

Super-duper good luck to dad and mum!

I wish both of them stay healthy forever~!

Good nights, world. *啾咪* <--- 我要替阿轟把這個發揚光大! Heeheee..
Tuesday, November 22, 2011 - 0 comments

Will You Marry Me?

Will You Marry Me? 결혼해 줄래
By: Lee Seung Gi 이승기

I am sooooo much IN LOVE with this song after I saw his performance on the tv.
He is sooooo cute and adorable! Hahaa

Time is ticking...
Approximately 13 more days till P4's final!
Go! Go! Study! December 2011; LAST SITTING! P4 FIGHTING~! JIAYING GAMBATEH~! :)

願您平安健康... Amitābha...

Dear Buddha & God, please bless my dad!

He was not feeling so well these few weeks and his blood pressure went quite high also. We have already made a booking for medical check-up on this coming Friday, bless that he's okay and perfectly healthy!

Good luck to daddy!
I wish him safe and stay healthy forever!
Saturday, November 19, 2011 - , , , 0 comments

One, two, three, four, five... FIVE YEARS!

Tick-tock.. Tick-tock.. Time flies...
It's already the 5th anniversary of **!

2006.11.19 -- 2011.11.19
Wu Chun, Ella, Hana Kimi fans, and all CE angels, HAPPY ANNIVERSARY !

Credits to CE forum

I miss Quan, I miss RuiXi, I miss everyone in Hana Kimi! I miss them sooooo much!

Although I know the chance of having Hana Kimi 2 is getting smaller and smaller as the time passes, still hoping that all of them, especially Chun & Ella, will collaborate again and film for another drama or movie! That's my dream. So.. wish my dream will come true! Teehee

Ps: Wu Chun, is there any surprise for us this year? Hmm??
Sunday, November 13, 2011 - 0 comments

*~Happy Birthday My Beloved Mummy!~*

Dear Mummy,


Thank you for bringing me into this world and thanks for all you did and your sacrifices of taking care of me.

 you! *mucksss*

Your lovely daughter, Jiaying.

Ps: SPM starts tomorrow! All the best to meimei and jiayou! Jiejie ai ni oh :)
Friday, November 11, 2011 - , , , 0 comments

「你被寫在我的歌裡」- 青峰&嘉樺

It is a popular day for couples who are getting married, and also, it is a special date for the singers or bands to release their new album!
So... 恭喜蘇打綠 (Sodagreen) 今天發片啦! :) 祝專輯大賣!

前一陣子, 我才剛說喜歡上青峰的聲音, 沒想到昨天早上一起床, 就已經有個大驚喜在等著我呢!
我應該想到的才對呀, 之前有首 <妳>, 現在又有首 <> 一點也不出奇!
謝謝青峰, 終於讓我們等到一首加滑和別人對唱的歌了!
之前有聽說過, 寶貝的聲音很難找到別人跟她合唱, 沒想到她和青峰竟然可以配合的那麼好! 寶貝的和聲都已經到了出神入化的地步了!
不知道從什麼時候開始, 我聽歌已經不是注意主key了, 而是特別留意後面的和聲。
這也是我喜歡 S.H.E 的其中一個原因! 她們三人為彼此和的聲, 對我來說是無可取代的! 尤其是娜娜和寶貝的和聲最棒了! 我到現在都還記得, 很久以前去看移動城堡的時候, live聽她們的和聲也都是一級棒的!

演唱: 吳青峰 (Sodagreen) & 陳嘉樺 (S.H.E)

詞曲: 青峰

走過的路 是一陣魔術
把所有的 好的壞的 變成我的
心裡的苦 就算不記得
都化作這目光 吟唱成一首歌

而你像 流進詩裡的嘈嘈水聲
敲進我心門 擁抱了所有的恨
滋養了乾涸 相信我能是你的

是你提醒我 別怕去幻想

是你抓緊我 往前去張望


This song is really niceeeee~! I am very very much in love with it 
Both of them, QingFeng & Ella, their voice is like a perfect match, suit each other well and perfectly!

Ella's voice is just... so sweet & warm!
I felt that she has improved a lot, especially her harmonising skill. *A big thumbs up to her!* And also her pitch, went higher if compared to last time. Even I can't reach that high notes nowadays. :(
OhGod, I am SO looking forward to and SO waiting for her new EP and S.H,E's 13th album now!!! Really can't wait until end of next year la, please come out faster man!
Okay, back to the song, I wish that there will be an official MV for this awesome song which is leading by QF and Ella themselves so that I can go Neway and 唱個夠本! Hahaa
我被寫在你的眼睛裡眨呀... Click a "like" for QF and Ella. ^^

Ps: 我聽說這首歌之前被靜茹給退了回來, 還好是被退回來了, 才讓我們有機會聽到這麼棒的合唱曲! (話說, 還真不明白為甚麼要退, 憑良心講, 這首歌真的很棒, 喜歡並不完全是因為我是ELLA的fans。)

The most worth buying album in 2011 -- <你在煩惱甚麼>. Please support!

Jiaying's recommended songs:


Happy 111111 ! *啾咪*
Wednesday, November 9, 2011 - , 0 comments

Studying for final?

No no no...

Well, I told myself that I MUST study hard and don't ever touch my notebook or desktop (means online) in this one-month time before the final which is on 6th of December! But... I only managed to pick up my P4 notes on the first two days, and that is because of I have no choice since the UniFi is down for dunno what reason, and then, I started to watch drama on the following days once we get back the internet. Sighh.. Really wonder how can I pass my P4 this round? *touchwood* I surely can pass de!

New My Fair Princes>

This is the drama that I am currently chasing for, 99 episodes in total.
That's long and I am now only at EP 49, half more to go and who the hell knows how much time is left for me to study!? But I really can't stop myself from watching. Even when I am staring at my notes, my heart flies to XiaoYanZi, ZhiWei, ErKang, ErTai, Benjamin, Qing Er and XiaoJian automatically.
---> LAZY FELLA'S EXCUSE <--- ;p

Went SS15 to buy Gong Cha in the afternoon.
Can you imagine how much I prefer Gong Cha's bubble tea?
I gave up the nearest Chatime and drove to the farer Subang Jaya to buy the drinks with yewyew before sending her to seminar near Pyramid there.

Really, I found that Gong Cha's milk teas are nicer and tastier than Chatime!
So of course, it's a little bit expensive than the latter. But I am willing to pay for it. :)
Even my mom and yewyew said it's nice! 
My favourite: Milk Oolong Tea with White Pearl; mummy likes the GC's Signature Winter-Melon Tea; & yewyew likes the Earl Grey Milk Tea with Brown Sugar Jelly.
However, I tried a different drinks today.

House Special Milk Coffee with Brown Sugar Jelly. Taste not bad but I still prefer milk oolong tea! And it's actually quite expensive, cost me 9 bucks man!

Okay, time to continue watching the drama. Need to finish EP 50 before 12am. Bye.
Thursday, November 3, 2011 - , , , , 0 comments

SelinaHebeElla ; the most beautiful bride and her pretty bridesmaids!

S.H.E 合體了!
*scream-out-loud* LOL

寶貝好漂亮喔!連妹妹和媽咪都直呼 Ella 近來真的變得很有女人味,漂亮極了!

在台上阿中全程都牽著 Selina 的手,不曾放開;看來這兩人真的狠愛彼此!

全家福;還有 Selina 最疼愛的狗女兒,Pinky!
Ps: 容萱真漂亮的說。


Ps: 我又想哭了。。

愛上你;從此就再也離不開了。。我想,我這一輩子都會繼續喜歡 S.H.E,直到我死為止!愛上了,就不是那麼容易就放的下的了。。

「大家好,我們是 S.H.E !」

啊。。實在是太期待 S.H.E 的下一張專輯了!!快點出吧!


Credits as marked

現在 Selina 結婚了,那,下一個,會是谁呢?

Revision time! Bye & good night.
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