Tuesday, December 6, 2011 - , 0 comments


Great. I screwed up my P4 again! :(

I feel it's easy. And I think it's even easier than the last semester, BUT, the point is.. I DON'T KNOW HOW TO DO!

I really thought this would be my last round but..... Sigh..
Quite disappointed with myself! Maybe P4 is just not my cup of tea (I prefer coffee lol); I think I will just switch to P6, if, I fail. *touch-wood*

P4 - Advanced Financial Management
Question 1 :
Investment in foreign country and closing down local production facility
(NPV, APV & Political risks)
I was so blur and confused! Mess up my workings!
Perhaps even the professional marks of 4 also I won't be getting. I really wanna cry la!

Question 2 :
Interest rates hedging
(Futures, Options & Collars)
I should know how to do de! But I was scared by the "no basis risk" and the date makes me confused! Now is 1st of May 2012 or 4 months later huh?! WTH? Bully my English lousy izzit?! Haizz.. Whatever la..
Questions we did in class all have basis risk, so when SM came up with one question there's no basis risk for futures, I totally stuck at there and can't proceed with the options.
And also, what the hell is the collar!? I know it's to buy PUT and sell CALL options at the same time and same strike price but I dunno how to structure it. Damn to the max!

Question 3 :
It's from the articles issued by Mr. Shishir Malde, P4 examiner.
I have read through the articles for dunno how many times and found that they are actually quite simple to understand.
However, I dunno how to apply the concepts that I have learnt into the question. That kills me!

Question 4 :
Management buy-outs and debt-covenant
Confirmed that there will be no marks gaining in this question. 18 marks all gone. I don't even have the time to look at the scenario. Very poor time management skills I had.

Lucky clover will bring good luck right?

So I hope I will pass the exam. *Pray hardly from now onwards*

50 is already enough, deal?


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