Sunday, December 4, 2011 - , 0 comments

Good luck.

The day after tomorrow is P4's big day!

This is my second attempt for it and I really hope I can pass and graduate from ACCA!!!

See the big pimple on my forehead? Too stress huh?!

God, if you could see it, then please just let me pass my P4 this round okay? Thank you.

Good luck to all who are taking the exams in the next two weeks. All the best ya people!!! (:

Ps: I can't wait to finish my last paper! :D
After this, I am gonna watch lots of movies and dramas, especially <Jump Ashin!>, <Magic To Win> & <怒火街頭>!
And also, PORK BURGER~! Gonna redeem the vouchers that I purchased from Groupon.
Also not to forget that, the Häagen-Dazs® Ice Cream Fondue! I think the vouchers from UOB should be arriving on these few days. YAY
I am actually drooling now. Heehee


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