Friday, November 11, 2011 - , , , 0 comments

「你被寫在我的歌裡」- 青峰&嘉樺

It is a popular day for couples who are getting married, and also, it is a special date for the singers or bands to release their new album!
So... 恭喜蘇打綠 (Sodagreen) 今天發片啦! :) 祝專輯大賣!

前一陣子, 我才剛說喜歡上青峰的聲音, 沒想到昨天早上一起床, 就已經有個大驚喜在等著我呢!
我應該想到的才對呀, 之前有首 <妳>, 現在又有首 <> 一點也不出奇!
謝謝青峰, 終於讓我們等到一首加滑和別人對唱的歌了!
之前有聽說過, 寶貝的聲音很難找到別人跟她合唱, 沒想到她和青峰竟然可以配合的那麼好! 寶貝的和聲都已經到了出神入化的地步了!
不知道從什麼時候開始, 我聽歌已經不是注意主key了, 而是特別留意後面的和聲。
這也是我喜歡 S.H.E 的其中一個原因! 她們三人為彼此和的聲, 對我來說是無可取代的! 尤其是娜娜和寶貝的和聲最棒了! 我到現在都還記得, 很久以前去看移動城堡的時候, live聽她們的和聲也都是一級棒的!

演唱: 吳青峰 (Sodagreen) & 陳嘉樺 (S.H.E)

詞曲: 青峰

走過的路 是一陣魔術
把所有的 好的壞的 變成我的
心裡的苦 就算不記得
都化作這目光 吟唱成一首歌

而你像 流進詩裡的嘈嘈水聲
敲進我心門 擁抱了所有的恨
滋養了乾涸 相信我能是你的

是你提醒我 別怕去幻想

是你抓緊我 往前去張望


This song is really niceeeee~! I am very very much in love with it 
Both of them, QingFeng & Ella, their voice is like a perfect match, suit each other well and perfectly!

Ella's voice is just... so sweet & warm!
I felt that she has improved a lot, especially her harmonising skill. *A big thumbs up to her!* And also her pitch, went higher if compared to last time. Even I can't reach that high notes nowadays. :(
OhGod, I am SO looking forward to and SO waiting for her new EP and S.H,E's 13th album now!!! Really can't wait until end of next year la, please come out faster man!
Okay, back to the song, I wish that there will be an official MV for this awesome song which is leading by QF and Ella themselves so that I can go Neway and 唱個夠本! Hahaa
我被寫在你的眼睛裡眨呀... Click a "like" for QF and Ella. ^^

Ps: 我聽說這首歌之前被靜茹給退了回來, 還好是被退回來了, 才讓我們有機會聽到這麼棒的合唱曲! (話說, 還真不明白為甚麼要退, 憑良心講, 這首歌真的很棒, 喜歡並不完全是因為我是ELLA的fans。)

The most worth buying album in 2011 -- <你在煩惱甚麼>. Please support!

Jiaying's recommended songs:


Happy 111111 ! *啾咪*


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