Sunday, August 29, 2010 - 0 comments

跟月亮 Say Goodbye ~

Just found out this which is also a composition by Ella.
Hey, NICE eh, but I dont know where to download it -.-


Ive decided to skip PT2 for both P1 and P7!
Really have no mood to do the revision la, stress and no motivation plus low memory power!

Awwww... 受不了受不了! 頭髮好油哦!! 很惡!!!
Saturday, August 28, 2010 - 0 comments

Good night :)

One more last pic for tonight~

2 more days to go to wash my hair!

&& now, gotta try to get into sleep le!

Try to...

'cause I dont think I can sleep ;b

Anyways, good night world!




Thursday, August 26, 2010 - , , 0 comments

Hebe’s second single, “Fine With Being Lonely”

Hebe's second song from To Hebe -- “ 寂寞寂寞就好 ”.

還是原來那個我  不過流掉幾公升淚所以變瘦
對著鏡子我承諾  遲早我會還這張臉一堆笑容
不算什麽  愛錯就愛錯  早點認錯  早一點解脫

我寂寞寂寞就好  這時候誰都別來安慰擁抱
就讓我一個人去痛到受不了  想到快瘋掉  死不了就還好
我寂寞寂寞就好  你真的不用來我回憶裡微笑
我就不相信我會笨到忘不了  賴著不放掉
人本來就寂寞的  借來的都該還掉  我總會把你戒掉

還是原來那個你  是我自己做夢你有改變什麽
再多的愛也沒用  每個人有每個人的業障因果
會有什麽  什麽都沒有  早點看破  才看得見以後

我寂寞寂寞就好  這時候誰也別來安慰擁抱
就讓我一個人去痛到受不了  想到快瘋掉  死不了就還好
我寂寞寂寞就好  你真的不用來我回憶裡微笑
我就不相信我會笨到忘不了  賴著不放掉
人本來就寂寞的  我總會把你戒掉

This song is like omg, damn NICE!
I love this one way more than the "LOVE!"!
99% matched with my 心聲! I mean the lyrics!
&& I can still hear S&E's voices even though the song is only sang by Hebe. Weird, right?**
So, Ive changed my plan... I will buy Hebe's new album instead of Fahrenheit's.
Super hot, not my cup of tea! ✖✖  我還是寂寞寂寞就好!


I absolutely love this remix version and its music video is even better than the original version but, I feel a bit dizzy after watching it!

Awww... Im already looking forward to their 13th album!!
Monday, August 23, 2010 - , 0 comments

Exam Results

Results for the June 2010 session were out and obviously there's no miracle this round -.-

Your examination results for the June 2010 session issued on 23-AUG-10 are:
Paper Details: F8INT Aud. & Ass.
Result: Pass
Mark: 59
Paper Details: P2INT Corp. Rep.
Result: Pass
Mark: 50
Paper Details: P3 Bus. Ana.
Result: Fail
Mark: 48

48?!! WTH is this? I failed this stupid business paper just because of the two marks were not given?
I need to study for business analysis all over again because of the selfish marker and the stupid two marks?

Its actually all my fault! Is ME, the one who studied not enough for the exams! 种什麽因, 得什麽果。
Even though I think I have studied enough for P3 but maybe its because of not doing enough questions bah?!
Actually, before checking my results, I would think that the possibility of failing P2 is bigger than P3.

Hmmm.. dad and 三哥 had asked me to appeal to ACCA but I dont think it works 'cuz if they pass me then many more will go for appeal too and a bit means that we use money to bribe them to let us pass lo. && there are some of the seniors went appeal before but the truth is they didnt get what they wanted too in the end and ended up wasting money. So, I think the best will be go for resit and not to remark the paper.

Despite P3, basically Im still very happy with my results de because I passed my P2!!
Ngam ngam 50 leh, 真是菩薩保佑啊!
The best is I dont have to study this horrible paper again! Ms.Menon, byebye lo! Hahaha~

Failed P3 but passed P2 plus officially done F level papers... what a bittersweet feeling huh!? LOL

下定決心, after today, I will start to study hard again! Just like last time I failed my law paper. ;b
Gambateh Jiaying!~ You can score even well next round! At least must pass! Jiayou lo~

Strawberry Rocky Biscuit Stick

深夜時分, should be sleeping but Im still watching <Beauty Knows No Pain> now... to reduce my nervous to an acceptable level(藉口)... with my new addiction ~ strawberry rocky biscuit sticks!

I bought many from Giant yesterday ;p 'cuz I love it very much! Yummy! Yummy!

Btw, the internet speed was so sucks!
People already finished the whole series but Im still stuck at CH 08. WTH?!
Hey streamyx, can you be faster a bit? I still wanna watch <Cant Buy Me Love> de leh!! Please, okay?

Almost nine hours later still need to check my results leh? Just hope that the internet and the ACCA website wont be so lag and do hope that there's a miracle!
Yup, Im just waiting for a miracle 'cuz I really dont have any confidence to pass all of the papers that I took -.-

Anyways, good luck to me and all those CAT and ACCA candidates! :)
Sunday, August 22, 2010 - 0 comments


Went to Klang for our breakfast ~ bah-kut-teh after exercise with family.
Something happened to me when I was so busy eating my stuff and I was actually not the first to realize. Fish fish**

Haiz, nose bleeding again!
Meimei, who sitting beside me is the one who screamed loudly. LOL
" Jie, your nose is bleeding eh! "... WTH! I dont even know there's liquid coming out from my nose!
So I was like... " Huh? " for a minute, baru then I screamed out loud too " Tissue! Tissue! ... " ; like a crazy fella!

WTFreak?! This stupid friend always come after me when I was eating!
I really dunno why she likes those time when I was having my food? I didnt use my nose to eat what!?
可惡! 討厭! Sometimes it really ruined my mood to eat you know?!

p\s: staying at home; no shopping is sooo boring!

Oh ya,
<Bird>, which is a song composed by Ella is really really nice!!
Not only me, the big fans of S.H.E, but even my meimei also said its nice, especially the melody!!
Hahaha~ XiaoBaWang, jiayou!
Saturday, August 21, 2010 - , , 0 comments

Bird ^^

Ella's new song written for GuoShuYao aka YaoYao ~ Bird ^.*

我想要變成一只鳥  飛到世界盡頭找解葯  我的世界已不再逍遙  甚至忘了怎麽微笑

我想要變成一只鳥  飛到世界盡頭飛很高  飛的精疲力盡往下掉  請你不要來救我好不好

穿着球鞋到處跑  不用飛就是用我的雙腳  我的心情不可能糟糕  世界原來是這麽美好

請你跟我一起跑  閉上眼用心感覺我的好  腳踏實地不用誰來教  要不要和我一起尖叫

Credits: Yvonne80134

一早起來就聽到這麽棒的歌, 心情都變得很棒! p\s: Woke up at eleven something!! Horr.. P.I.G!
不知道是不是我太想念小霸王了, 我竟然在歌裏面聽到她的和聲?! 會不會真的是她呢?
縂覺得, 她是在述説自己的心聲啊, 如果由她自己來演唱的話, 應該會更棒吧!
所以我很想聼DEMO版的!! p\s: Ella's version!
可是, 這時候的盜版這麽那麽沒用?! 平時不要你流傳的, 你就給我做; 要聼的, 你就沒消息!! 哼!
Friday, August 20, 2010 - 0 comments


One last post before I leave for class, the recording part of latest MengNiu commercial!

Credits: kimuchi08

光聼聲音而已, 我就傻笑到不行, 真的無葯可救了啦! p\s: 因爲小霸王真的是太可愛了啦!!

還有啊, 我在純愛和微博上看到很多在拍蒙牛廣告時的互動照片耶!! 超sweet的!!
看來, 他們的感情還真的不是普通的好噢!! 科科科~
唉, 不知道要等到什麽時候才會有BTS看呢?! 超期待的! (最好在我成績出來之前啦, 要不然我怕我沒心情!)
Thursday, August 19, 2010 - 0 comments

OSK Investment Challenge

I just found out about this game yesterday, recommended by my bro.
Its a stock game for students came out from OSK Investment Bank.
&& things that attracted me the most is... the PRIZES!!
Quite lucrative man! If Im not mistaken de hua, 1st prize = RM 25k !

Ive already registered just now and... hoping to win this game!!
Okay, lets start tomorrow~


Spongebob & Patrick Star




科科~ Day-dreaming! ;b
Wednesday, August 18, 2010 - 0 comments

Movie: Love In Disguise

<戀愛通告> !

Cast: Leehom Wang, Crystal Liu, Chen Han Dian

Du Minghan (Wang Leehom) is a famous celebrity pop star and with the help of his agent, Joan (Joan Chen), his career took off amazingly. When he accidentally met the plain looking Song Xiaoqing (Crystal Liu), he immediately fell in love with her and decides to disguise himself as a student, Ah De, together with his best pal (Chen Han Dian). Will Xiaoqing ever find out the truth of Ah De's real identity? Will she be able to accept him for who he is?

I will, if I were her! ;b

I want to watch this! Maybe this Saturday? Must enjoy myself first before the results are out!

既然選擇了, 就得繼續走下去。

繼續走下去 繼續往前進

都不要放棄 都別説灰心

我們要相信自己 永遠都相信


有一天我將會老去 希望你會覺得滿意

我沒有 對不起那個 十九/二十嵗的自己

這是我想對五天后的自己說的, 希望到時候我能堅強面對!

credits: 繼續-給十五嵗的自己 ; 劉若英

跌倒了, 不是不可以哭;

最重要的是, 哭過後, 懂得怎麽爬起來, 然後重拾微笑!

Friday, August 13, 2010 - 0 comments


Teehee, new banner again!
Ya, I know, its always S.H.E and no others :]
Maybe its FRH's turn next time, maybe... Haha~

Yippie~ Tomorrow is SATURDAY again!! Yay yay :D
Planned to go out to get some new stuff and have a nice lunch! 貪喫貓**

Damn! Keep coughing non-stop since yesterday. WTH?!
So annoying man!! Sound pollution and disturb my sleeping time! Geram lo**
But luckily I have 愛心菊花茶 from my lovely mum! Thank you and I love you, Mummy!
Daddy said they are going to hunt for durians again this Sunday!
&& I have no objection to it because I love durians too!! 不怕死的傢伙**

Feels like skipping P7 class later.
I will feel so paiseh if I keep coughing during Mr.Goh's class lo ;p
&& it seems like its going to rain soon~grey sky. Haiz.. I dont want to be 落湯鷄 la!

Jiaying (:
Thursday, August 12, 2010 - 0 comments

Yeesoon’s farewell

Date: 06/08/2010
Venue: Dragon-i ; Sunway Pyramid

&& he is currently in London UK already!
All the best to him and good luck! :)

Me & him


Girls~ (one word gao dim ;p)

Group photos!

Credits: Jenny

I actually saw those photos from facebook few days ago, but Im just too lazy to update so here they come =b

Okay, done!

p\s: 現在真的有流星雨看嗎?
莉珊說有, 貼吧也有人在討論, 説是獅子座流星雨... 可是, 他們在中國耶! Malaysia也有嗎?

Signing off,
Jiaying [:

怎麽這世界, 每個人都愛別人, 不愛自己?

我愛你 你愛她

她愛她 她愛他

你愛我 我愛他

他愛他 他愛她


怎麽這世界 已經沒有人相愛

怎麽這世界 每個人都不快樂

怎麽這世界 每個人都愛別人


Its been a long time since I updated a lyrics post!
So now... here comes the lyrics for Tien Fu-Zhen's new song~LOVE!
Hmmm... I think I most probably wouldnt buy her new album lo.
'Cuz I really have no much money to spend, so, SORRY Hebe!
Wednesday, August 11, 2010 - , 0 comments

LOVE! ~ 田馥甄

I have a new song for you~
* p\s: slogan copied from My FM *

Simple lyrics + Simple melody = A simple new song

<LOVE>; from Hebe Tien, ei, wait... she is not Hebe anymore, is 田馥甄!

Now SEI lo.
Hebe's first solo album:
  • 18/08  Pre-order
  • 03/09  Officially release
Fahrenheit's 4th album is coming soon too, around September bah I think?
Some of them said is on the same date with Hebe's one wor, dunno leh!?

Aiyo, dunno which to buy! Only Hebe's or only Fei's? Both or none of them?
I have no money la!! Scream**

Feeling better now =)
Yesterday... ate three biji of oranges, few piece of 柚子, drank five++ cups of 涼茶 and lots of water.
But, it seemed like they are useless to me! x(
My condition turned even worst after sending meimei to tuition at eight something.
Fever, flu, sore throat, dry cough, body ache and a bit dizzy. So XIN KU man!
Hor... luckily Im getting better now~! Claps** ;p

Uncle Liew came to my house and did some renovation again.
He asked a funny question just like others;
" These two girls('cuz only meimei and I were stayed at home), who is the eldest arh? "
&& I was like HUH? AGAIN? Do I really looked so childish or what? 無解**

Puasa starts today, so tomorrow my class is gonna start earlier and end earlier too! YAY**

Jiaying (:
Tuesday, August 10, 2010 - 0 comments

Im sick!

Bad sore throat and dry cough!

See, this is the effect of having too much durian!


So, who ask me to eat so much leh?!

Dai-seh la!

But why am I so kesian one?

Drank lots of water already also I get caught?!

This is not dai-seh, is NOT FAIR, o...k...a...y?!

Tomorrow still got class in the early 8 tim...
Charm lo!
Really hope that I can get well

God bless me! :)
Monday, August 9, 2010 - 0 comments


Facebook-ed a bit just now and changed my profile picture for it.


Vivian text-ed me at around 11am and she told me its already got people booking place in LT6 for a class starting at 3:15pm.

Wah, damn kua zhang man!

I thought I can go at 2pm and I will get a seat tim -.-

But never mind... luckily Vivian had booked a place for me! Thank you! Loves ^^


Just a little update before going to class! =b

&& really need to go now~

Class class !

Mr.Goh Mr.Goh !

煩煩 !
Sunday, August 8, 2010 - 0 comments

Im tired! I want to rest!

The durian is actually out of focus! =b

Gasing hill *do exercise* → OUG *breakfast* → Bentong *DURIANS!* → Gothong Jaya *lunch*
→ Genting *吹吹風 and DURIANS again!* → home sweet home *rest* → McD @ OldTown *dinner~McD GCB!* → home sweet home again *孫悟空*.

A song recommended by meimei which I think its nice =)

That's all for today. Lazy to update and upload photos -.-

I think I should be posing "GOOD" instead of "YAY" lo -.-'

Satisfied but gained weight,
Jiaying [: & :[ (打架-ing)
Saturday, August 7, 2010 - 0 comments

titleless :b

What a boring Saturday?!

Just stayed at home and watched those pirate movies and dramas that downloaded long long ago~

And of course, this needed to say thank you to yewyew... because she is the one who download all of them.

God, I saw the slogan of S.H.E's concert ~ SHE IS THE ONE after I typed the above sentence. Haha (=

Movies that I watched:
  • Beauty On Duty
  • Short Of Love
  • A-Team
  • Date Night
  • Killers
  • She's Out Of My League
  • Monga
This is good you know, Ive saved almost 70 bucks if average 10 bucks per movie ;b
&& the best thing is.... I can skip those boring and lame or yucks scenes, saved my time too!

I feel that TW movies are nowadays getting better and better lo... which I think they are now actually nicer than HK's one, but aiyar, different people have different taste la. This is just my own opinions! (Dont bang me okay!?)

  • A Pillow Case Of Mystery II ; CH 08
Only HK dramas~
Not really nice to watch but at least I got things to do.

Cartoon from tv/astro:
  • Georgie
Nice! Georgie and Abel, the best couple in the cartoon world~

If We Ever Meet Again, one of the songs that I used to listen to it lately.
I dont really like the melody/music but I love its lyrics. <3
If we ever meet again, I may not be the same, just maybe not the same.

Loves but bored,
Jiaying (:
Friday, August 6, 2010 - , 0 comments


Back from Yee Soon's farewell @ Dragon-I; Pyramid.
He is gonna fly to London soon, next Monday night.
Bye-bye to him and 'one road along wind' orh! =p
Haha, is 一路順風 la. Jiayou buddy~! [:


Tomorrow is Saturday again!!
Should be feeling happy right? The very first weekend after test wor...
But the sad case is... I still need to stay at home cuz Uncle Liew is coming to my house to do some renovation and... Im appointed by my mum to be the watchdog again ):

Aiyo, I wanna watch movies lar!!!

It looks like very interesting when I viewed the trailer. Must watch!

&& this, which is coming soon 12th of August! Definitely must support LeeHom so also must watch!

Apart from the movies, I also wanna have this as my lunch/dinner.

McD GCB! I wanna try it! Really cant stop my saliva from dropping tim =p
(Actually I feel a little bit hungry now.. 呵呵~)

&& next thing not to forget is... another DURIANS trip this Sunday! Yayyay ^^

Jiaying (:
Thursday, August 5, 2010 - 0 comments

咦? 聼誰在唱歌?

PT1 is over... is O.V.E.R~!

A new song from a love singing gal~

這個天, 敬請期待!

LOVE..... is C.O.M.I.N.G S.O.O.N this SUMMER !

This is LeeHom Wang...

But guess... who is this?

Hahahaha =b

p\s: BlackBerry's phone camera is really sucks! This is already the best quality pic among those taken.

Loves & happy,
Jiaying (:
Wednesday, August 4, 2010 - 0 comments


苦: studying for progress test; its really a kind of torture cuz I will never study for it voluntarily; Im forced to study you know?!

樂: camwhores~ actually not that enjoy but, at least better than studying!

Took this when I was revising for P1~PA.

What a lame subject to study huh!?

Another revision night~

Just only the stuff that I study is changed.

Now its the turn for P7~Audit.

&& its clear that Ive lost my concentration ;p

Yewyew's big family~ =b

Saw his name?!

Mr.Goh, the only guy who is teaching me this semester ;p



But... where is my S.H.E ♥ ?


過了明天, 我就解脫啦!~
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