Saturday, July 17, 2010 - , 0 comments


Wednesday, July 14, 2010 **
After class, went pyramid again and watched <The Legend Is Born - Ip Man> with Sweetheart, Li San and Wei Ling =)

I didn't watch Ip Man 1 and 2 before and I thought this is actually also lead by Donnie Yen. Fishhh**
The main male lead really looked like Donnie Yen la! I was waiting him to slowly become Donnie but he didn't -.-

After movie, it's already 3pm+, I was very very hungry liao! Only had bread and milk for my breakfast at 6.30am.
We then had sandwiches as our lunch @ O'Briens which recommended by Wei Ling.
Hey, nice leh. Next time I will bring yewyew go also; must ask her to belanja me la! Cuz.... Im jiejie mah! ;b

Wei Ling went back at four something bah and just left with three of us there.
Nothing else to do in pyramid already, so we directly headed to Cassian Kitchen Café a.k.a. CK which located at Subang.
Tian Xin's friends were there too. Studying or playing games? God knows ;p
I had Ice Chocolate and it's over *sweetie*! Should ask them to add more ice or water next time.
Played penguin game. Childish game played by childish persons! And and the childish persons were still happily playing the game! Hahaha~

Dinner time! BAK-KUT-TEH @ OUG. The restaurant is actually owned by Li San's family.
The soup is so nice! Feels sooooo full after having it.
Looks like Im having my lunch, tea and dinner in such short period of time[3pm~8pm; within four to five hours].
No wonder I feel so full la! Swt**

* 柴米油鹽醬醋茶 * New song from LeeHom!


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