Sunday, July 4, 2010 - , 0 comments

Final day before life gets busy like a BEE… buzzz~

Actually not that busy also la. Almost everyday 3-hours-class.
Due to the stupid timetable, I have changed my plan to take P1 and P7 together this round instead of P4.
P4 I'll take it next year and doing OBU bah, mummy said better do it wor. Aiya, I dunno la.

Seriously, I don't wanna attend classes on WEEKENDS again! And I checked, there are some others also took P1 and P7 simultaneously before, so I think this combination is workable bah?! Both the papers are taught by the same lecturer ~ Mr.Goh. This means that I will only be seeing this guy for this whole new semester. Sienz hor?! ;p I actually thought of taking only one paper lo... but this is wasting time and daddy mummy is 碎碎念-ing -.-

Aiks, whatever la, I think I will still need to drop papers after the result is out =(
I'm now just hoping my F8 and P3 will pass! P2, definitely failed already. Haizz..

29th of June - Tuesday
Went pyramid with Li San, Han Liang and Sien Wei.
Watched <Karate Kid>.
Dre Parker.. Xiao Dre called by Mr.Han.. I love this name so much cuz it's so cute! Xiao Dreee =p
Okay the storyline was boring, but it's actually quite funny overall. 所以就笑到我的鎖骨更加痛了 -.-'

2nd of July - Friday
Supposedly there's a farewell party for Chee Yan but she can't make it so I ended up dating with Weiyi alone.
Congratulations to her for getting her first choice to study Chinese WenXue in UPM at Serdang.
Serdang is considered as FAR for me so surely need a farewell or gathering de mah. But nvm lo, wait until next time when she's coming back on weekends~
Ya ya ya... She's gonna to be a BC teacher in future and maybe my children are taught by her too ;p
Summore for the date.... I first teman Weiyi to OUG Plaza for her product training/briefing, she's gonna work as a promoter selling EGGS, haha, then only headed to pyramid again and we watched <The Back-Up Plan>. The movie umm... how to describe leh.... some scenes are yuacks, but overall the movie is still okay la, not bad.

Last but not least, my holiday plans are actually all done =)
Tidy up my room and bookshelf too :) extra works~
Thought of throwing those notes and textbooks away initially, but then I decided to keep them.
I really scared of my shelf will collapse lo... they're soooo HEAVY!

Argentina lose the match =(  4 - 0 ; this kind of result is like.... SUCKS!
Don't feel like watching FIFA anymore. Maybe four years later bah =p Messi jia you orh, don't be so sad.

Okay, time to sleep.
Tomorrow 3:15pm ~ my first class with Goh of this semester.
Hi, Mr.Goh, I'm coming ;p


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