Thursday, July 22, 2010 - 0 comments

Inception; dreaming in dreams?!

What a brilliant editor to write this story structure up!
One word: YENG !

真的是。。。 人生如夢, 夢如人生!

After movie, had lunch @ Robot Sushi and I had my favourite Beef Yakiniku Don!~ Quite nice.
After that, walked around cuz I just dont want to go back home so early ;p

&& met someone who is considered as important to me, those days, but the sad case is, he didnt recognise me and I didnt say HI to him as well.
Both of us were just like.... two passed by strangers! sad**
原來, 看到你, 我的心。。。還是會悸動

Progress Test is coming soon again, in one-week's time!
Havent even start to touch my notes yet -.- last minute fellow is me**
This time round P1 is clashed with P7, both will be held at the same time.
Went to admin. to pass up the letter to reschedule my timetable for it before class.
Please admin., please help me to arrange a good time arh, the best is in the morning! Thanks ya =)

Suddenly feels like wanna eat tong yuen tim!
Where can I get some?


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