Wednesday, July 28, 2010 - 0 comments

Insomnia is really a kind of torture!!

&& it is now torturing me every single night! And then I was sleeping like a pig during day time summore plus fishing during classes -.-'

Im nearly kee siào I tell you! Damn tired man!

Thought of taking a nap now but Im still waiting for a call from admin..
Missed their phone calls twice for yesterday and once for just now cuz having class.
Aiyo, faster call me again la please! I really beh-ta-han already! Heavy, sleepy eyes! ~o~


DaDong updated his micro-blog! He actually updates his blog quite often but this newest post was totally S.P.E.C.I.A.L because... got AhZunZun!

汪東城 : 又!!!兄弟 我收工 拉 你加油 丞琳先借你喔 好好照顧人家 過幾天 我要再把他要回來喔 男主角加油阿~~~

Heehee... Our 男主角 got a bit looked like LeeHom orh~

WuChun! When will you actually sign up for an account?!! Even XiaoZhu has also been there, you know?!
Got time to update the long long post in blog but dont have time to play weibo la?! 什麽麻!!!



Wait, Im coming... after I finish my progress test!

Jiaying (:


Edited at 3 06pm --

I just received the call, from our beloved admin.!
But do you know that there is still a clash after I checked my timetable?!
WTH! Do you think I can attend the class and exam at the same time!?
If I really got so powerful then I no need to go and reschedule my timetable with you la! Memang swt**
Haiz.. need to go to college earlier again tomorrow! =(


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