Friday, July 30, 2010 - 0 comments

SHERO Remix 30s MV Preview!

Now just waiting for the mv to be released!
Hmm... to be honest, this one looks much nicer than the previous one ;b
&& I can only hear Ella's voice throughout this preview, heehee =)  「p\s: Im not 唯E orh!」


Its already Friday here and my progress test is coming next Thursday.
I know its time for me to pick up my notes and start studying right now but... just let me finish 我猜 first okay?! 不要再唸我了, 拜托拜托啦!


I wanna have this as my lunch today but I ended up having maggie mee. Disappointed**

Never mind, I will try to get it on Sunday!
And then daddy surely will say, " 不肥的你就不吃, 肥的你就吃多多! " ;p

&& this is my lunch~ maggie mee+yao zha guai=new match~

Jiaying (:
Wednesday, July 28, 2010 - 0 comments

Insomnia is really a kind of torture!!

&& it is now torturing me every single night! And then I was sleeping like a pig during day time summore plus fishing during classes -.-'

Im nearly kee siào I tell you! Damn tired man!

Thought of taking a nap now but Im still waiting for a call from admin..
Missed their phone calls twice for yesterday and once for just now cuz having class.
Aiyo, faster call me again la please! I really beh-ta-han already! Heavy, sleepy eyes! ~o~


DaDong updated his micro-blog! He actually updates his blog quite often but this newest post was totally S.P.E.C.I.A.L because... got AhZunZun!

汪東城 : 又!!!兄弟 我收工 拉 你加油 丞琳先借你喔 好好照顧人家 過幾天 我要再把他要回來喔 男主角加油阿~~~

Heehee... Our 男主角 got a bit looked like LeeHom orh~

WuChun! When will you actually sign up for an account?!! Even XiaoZhu has also been there, you know?!
Got time to update the long long post in blog but dont have time to play weibo la?! 什麽麻!!!



Wait, Im coming... after I finish my progress test!

Jiaying (:


Edited at 3 06pm --

I just received the call, from our beloved admin.!
But do you know that there is still a clash after I checked my timetable?!
WTH! Do you think I can attend the class and exam at the same time!?
If I really got so powerful then I no need to go and reschedule my timetable with you la! Memang swt**
Haiz.. need to go to college earlier again tomorrow! =(
Thursday, July 22, 2010 - 0 comments

Inception; dreaming in dreams?!

What a brilliant editor to write this story structure up!
One word: YENG !

真的是。。。 人生如夢, 夢如人生!

After movie, had lunch @ Robot Sushi and I had my favourite Beef Yakiniku Don!~ Quite nice.
After that, walked around cuz I just dont want to go back home so early ;p

&& met someone who is considered as important to me, those days, but the sad case is, he didnt recognise me and I didnt say HI to him as well.
Both of us were just like.... two passed by strangers! sad**
原來, 看到你, 我的心。。。還是會悸動

Progress Test is coming soon again, in one-week's time!
Havent even start to touch my notes yet -.- last minute fellow is me**
This time round P1 is clashed with P7, both will be held at the same time.
Went to admin. to pass up the letter to reschedule my timetable for it before class.
Please admin., please help me to arrange a good time arh, the best is in the morning! Thanks ya =)

Suddenly feels like wanna eat tong yuen tim!
Where can I get some?
Tuesday, July 20, 2010 - 0 comments

the hottest character in SD ~ mysterious & cool LUO XI ♥

It was raining heavily just now.

No astro, no internet connection; cannot do anything because of the thunder =(


Luckily I can still watch DVDs!

Summer's Desire~

Oh Gosh!

Im currently in love with Huang Xiao Ming, so called Luo Xi in this drama ♥

I love him so much! <3

This feeling even becomes stronger after I watched his new movie ~ Flirting Scholar 2. ^^

Leng Zai yo!!


then how about Wu Chun?!

Teehee.. No worries!

He is still rating No.1 on my Leng Zai list! =b

Fahrenheit's new album is coming soon on September....

&& I heard that Hebe's new solo album will also be released in the beginning of Sept too!

Aiyoyo, surely bankrupt man =(


SF1 gathering & Dad’s early birthday celebration

5SF1'07 Gathering @ CK

Only these people who turned up for that day plus one more Ka Hong who left earlier.


Daddy's early birthday celebration!

It is only a small and simple celebration, on Sunday.

We just went Karak for lunch and .....

we had D.U.R.I.A.N.S there too!

yum yum x)

Wait la! So gan-jeong for what?!

I haven even choose which durian to eat leh! ;b



*I saw CE everywhere~! *
Saturday, July 17, 2010 - , 0 comments


Wednesday, July 14, 2010 **
After class, went pyramid again and watched <The Legend Is Born - Ip Man> with Sweetheart, Li San and Wei Ling =)

I didn't watch Ip Man 1 and 2 before and I thought this is actually also lead by Donnie Yen. Fishhh**
The main male lead really looked like Donnie Yen la! I was waiting him to slowly become Donnie but he didn't -.-

After movie, it's already 3pm+, I was very very hungry liao! Only had bread and milk for my breakfast at 6.30am.
We then had sandwiches as our lunch @ O'Briens which recommended by Wei Ling.
Hey, nice leh. Next time I will bring yewyew go also; must ask her to belanja me la! Cuz.... Im jiejie mah! ;b

Wei Ling went back at four something bah and just left with three of us there.
Nothing else to do in pyramid already, so we directly headed to Cassian Kitchen Café a.k.a. CK which located at Subang.
Tian Xin's friends were there too. Studying or playing games? God knows ;p
I had Ice Chocolate and it's over *sweetie*! Should ask them to add more ice or water next time.
Played penguin game. Childish game played by childish persons! And and the childish persons were still happily playing the game! Hahaha~

Dinner time! BAK-KUT-TEH @ OUG. The restaurant is actually owned by Li San's family.
The soup is so nice! Feels sooooo full after having it.
Looks like Im having my lunch, tea and dinner in such short period of time[3pm~8pm; within four to five hours].
No wonder I feel so full la! Swt**

* 柴米油鹽醬醋茶 * New song from LeeHom!
Friday, July 16, 2010 - 0 comments


My movie date has been called off! *Sad*

Stay home and cam-whoring~~

Drew this during P1.

Mr.Goh's class is sooooo sienz la!

Feels sooooo sleepy everyday.... cuz Im seeing him from mon to fri -.-'

See, our BaoBei is B.A.C.K !

Glad to see her smiled again, after those stupid rumors!

Stupid doggies, plz stay away from my BaoBei!

Don't try to hurt her anymore!

My Sunshine Angel ; JiaYou !

Someone is still dating with his gf now....
.... daddy is waiting for him to come back home ;p
Wednesday, July 14, 2010 - , 0 comments

I don’t believe!

What the hell is this?!

Stupid news!!

I can't believe it !

I don't want to believe it !

I refuse to believe it !

Even if the news is true, I still can't accept that !


Im getting crazy now!

Just came back from a date and this HIT me!

Who the hell can tell me what's going on man?

What is the truth?

Come on, where is Ella?
Monday, July 12, 2010 - 0 comments

Just changed my blogskin ^^
Im loving it x)

Original background:

Credits : junlin1992

Thought of changing this blog's too,
but it takes time for me to make the adjustments and Im ... LAZY !
Sunday, July 11, 2010 - 0 comments

Poor ying!








因爲最近真的是肥回來了 =(






只能一邊爬、一邊喊 "H.E.L.P" ;p






巧克力, 要"十撲"我哦!!!



Finals @ 2.30am!


Gambateh ya!
Saturday, July 10, 2010 - , 0 comments

Night Out @ Sunway Pyramid

Loves to camwhore lately ;p

Took this before we went to Tropicana City Mall.
Still look F.A.T !

Supper time at KFC while waiting for the movie~
Saw MESSI when we took those pictures.

Hmm... He looks like "THE HULK" rather than my lovely MESSI -.-'


Waiting and camwhoring...

Cu~~~~~te hands! Heehee =)
Its me again ^^

This is over-edited -.-'


Waiting for the time to pass is really sienzz!

Tick-tock... tick-tock... tick-tock...


Finally... its the time for MOVIE!

『 唐伯虎點秋香2之四大才子 • FLIRTING SCHOLAR 2 』

Huang Xiao Ming is soooo S.H.U.A.I !
Im currently chasing for his new drama — Summer’s Desire • 泡沫之夏.
Luooo Xiii !!! <3
Wednesday, July 7, 2010 - 0 comments



明天這個時候要上課耶, 老天爺爺, 您最好不要像今天一樣耍花樣哦, 打勾勾!!!

Rainy days please go away~
Rainy days please go away~
Rainy days please go away~
Rainy days please go away~

Tuesday, July 6, 2010 - 0 comments


1. Reasonable language command

2. Good story-teller

If both also I don't have and dunno how to be,

then definitely die izzit?!



最近常常早早上床去, 可是翻來翻去的, 還是無法入睡!!!

今天更死, 還肚子餓!!!

沒辦法, 只好爬起來偷吃囉!!!

一杯美祿 + 幾片餅乾 = 吃飽飽

Sunday, July 4, 2010 - , 0 comments

Final day before life gets busy like a BEE… buzzz~

Actually not that busy also la. Almost everyday 3-hours-class.
Due to the stupid timetable, I have changed my plan to take P1 and P7 together this round instead of P4.
P4 I'll take it next year and doing OBU bah, mummy said better do it wor. Aiya, I dunno la.

Seriously, I don't wanna attend classes on WEEKENDS again! And I checked, there are some others also took P1 and P7 simultaneously before, so I think this combination is workable bah?! Both the papers are taught by the same lecturer ~ Mr.Goh. This means that I will only be seeing this guy for this whole new semester. Sienz hor?! ;p I actually thought of taking only one paper lo... but this is wasting time and daddy mummy is 碎碎念-ing -.-

Aiks, whatever la, I think I will still need to drop papers after the result is out =(
I'm now just hoping my F8 and P3 will pass! P2, definitely failed already. Haizz..

29th of June - Tuesday
Went pyramid with Li San, Han Liang and Sien Wei.
Watched <Karate Kid>.
Dre Parker.. Xiao Dre called by Mr.Han.. I love this name so much cuz it's so cute! Xiao Dreee =p
Okay the storyline was boring, but it's actually quite funny overall. 所以就笑到我的鎖骨更加痛了 -.-'

2nd of July - Friday
Supposedly there's a farewell party for Chee Yan but she can't make it so I ended up dating with Weiyi alone.
Congratulations to her for getting her first choice to study Chinese WenXue in UPM at Serdang.
Serdang is considered as FAR for me so surely need a farewell or gathering de mah. But nvm lo, wait until next time when she's coming back on weekends~
Ya ya ya... She's gonna to be a BC teacher in future and maybe my children are taught by her too ;p
Summore for the date.... I first teman Weiyi to OUG Plaza for her product training/briefing, she's gonna work as a promoter selling EGGS, haha, then only headed to pyramid again and we watched <The Back-Up Plan>. The movie umm... how to describe leh.... some scenes are yuacks, but overall the movie is still okay la, not bad.

Last but not least, my holiday plans are actually all done =)
Tidy up my room and bookshelf too :) extra works~
Thought of throwing those notes and textbooks away initially, but then I decided to keep them.
I really scared of my shelf will collapse lo... they're soooo HEAVY!

Argentina lose the match =(  4 - 0 ; this kind of result is like.... SUCKS!
Don't feel like watching FIFA anymore. Maybe four years later bah =p Messi jia you orh, don't be so sad.

Okay, time to sleep.
Tomorrow 3:15pm ~ my first class with Goh of this semester.
Hi, Mr.Goh, I'm coming ;p

harlo xD

不知道是不是我太過自戀, 我真的覺得我這張照片很漂亮哦, 呵呵~


如果不要那個大笨象手的話, 效果會更好!




電視劇裏常常演一鞠躬、兩鞠躬。。。的那種叻 -.-'
Friday, July 2, 2010 - 0 comments


Went Taipei Walker for dinner yesterday.
沒得去臺灣, 就先去吃臺灣美食過過乾癮吧~ 呵呵

Their foods are not bad la.
But service is B.A.D! Really bad!
So I don't think I will go and visit there again lo -.-
No second chance!


Bro's girlfriend is now in our house.... feels weird and a bit 尷尬 la ;p
Thursday, July 1, 2010 - 0 comments

╔ Hear Me • 聽説 ╝

Finally have downloaded and watched it!
I searched this movie for quite some time already lo and I finally able to find it from tom365.
Actually I did search it from tom365 before, but I typed in 繁體字 instead of 簡體.
Swt la... Tak sama meh?
Why they didn't link it together wor?! *waste my time!*

A love story in silence.

Starring Eddie Peng and Ivy Chen.

I dunno whether this movie will be air in Malaysia or not la?!
But I don't really bother about it now and I just can't wait to watch.
So I have downloaded it from website instead of waiting it to be screened at the cinemas ;p

Overall, I think this is definitely a worth watching movie!
The storyline is good as well~

Ratings : 10/10 ^^ Fully recommended!

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