Friday, July 17, 2009 - 0 comments

Three Ms. of F7, 8, 9.

F7 Financial Reporting; Ms. Santha
Quite familiar with her because she was my T6's lecturer before this..
I felt that she seems to be more funny and cute if compared to last year..
And the most important thing is she likes to treat us as kindergarten children..
I dunno why she loves to ask us to repeat her words again and again after she has said something..
The following is the conversation extracted from our lessons:
Ms. Santha: ... trade discounts. Class, what discounts?
We: TRADE discounts.
Ms. Santha: Class, again, what discounts?
I've nothing much to say about this paper except it is BULKY..
I hate those regulatory/conceptual frameworks and the IAS which need a lot of time to memorize..
It is time consuming and I've already started to get blur when she is teaching one of those IAS(International Accounting Standards)..
And she likes to give a lot of h/ws leh..
I'm getting headache when I was doing them :(

F8 Audit and Assurance; Ms. Kiran
I think I can still get what she was talking about during the first and second day of our audit classes..
But one thing that I extremely dislike is she loves to write shortcuts and don't ever let us to copy first..
A MUST to wait until she has finished talking what she wanted to say before we can actually started to copy her notes on the board..
Okay I’ll think this is for our own good because she scared that we can’t 100% concentrate on what she said when we’re copying and listening to her at the same time..
I really can understood for this de wor..
However, sometimes I will get blur looking at her “shortcuts’ words”..
She just wrote the first alphabet of all the keywords on the board and talk whatever she wanted to talk; I means explaining la..
The time passed and I’ll get confuse about it..
For eg la: AR; this shortcut can be expanded as audit report or articles review or any other breakdown of words..
Next, for the other single words, she’ll just wrote K, J, L and so on to represent it..
Hai-yo, K can be a lot of words de okay?!
Besides, she also keep on saying that we did the right decision of choosing ACCA as the course/subject because ACCA is challenging wor..
Oh my gosh, plz stop it and don’t keep repeating okay?! Or else I’ll regret de..
I’m a risk adverse people who don’t like and don’t want to take risk or challenge the ACCA..
I'm just aimed to pass it smoothly in these 3 years time..
Erm... I felt sleepy in the middle of her class and I know she knew it because she had said something about it before she ended the class..
So sorry for it but I was only felt sleepy in your class nia.. I didn’t diao you in F7 nor F9 although I’m tired also.. :p

F9 Financial Management; Ms. P.Geetha
This is P.Geetha; not my T2's lecturer; that's R.Geetha..
Hmm.. I love her the most because I think that she is the nicest teacher in this semester..
She called herself a teacher because she don't think she's a lecturer wor..
And she likes to give us some general questions; not about F9's; it's just some general knowledge during her class..
I dunno the answers even one of them because I didn't read newspapers and story books :p
Okay for this paper since I did T10 before but still got some formulas which will be easily got misunderstood..
And once got it wrong, everything will goes wrong and confusing..


Currently listening to Akon's <Be With You> from Fly FM..
This version is more nicer than the version which he sang with Wilber Pan..
And it reminds me something which happened last few days ago when i heard of this song..
My little cute sistha**yew got mad on one of those nights!
Gosh, she kept hugging me tight on the bed..
Of course, I tried so hard to kick her away from me but she just kept sticking with me and sang Will's <Be With You>~ and I don't care what they say[lesbian izzit??], I'm gonna be with you, I'm gonna be with you, I'm wanna be with you! -.-
Lame kia..


我愛你  你愛我  是不是  還不夠
我不懂  爲什麽  付出的  全落空


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