Monday, July 13, 2009 - , , 0 comments

Life is just like a ferris wheel: turning and turning; non-stop.

I have a pretty nice day, do you? (;

Woke up in the early morning yesterday.. Hmm, at about 5:50a.m. bah and got to jogging with my parents and brotha.. The sky was still so dark and the weather was so cold *打冷顫* Although very tired, I still managed to finish to climb over the Bukit Gasing! Say YAY ;D It’s not easy for us[those fatties] to climb a hill, you know?! I’ll still felt very very very tired although I climb every weeks -.-

Then, we went back to home to fetch my little sistha who was still sleeping like a PIG and of course, my grandmotha too.. Her house was nearby ours like about 1km nia.. Lol, off to Ah Xian’s restaurant which located at Bandar Puteri; Puchong to eat our breakfast[dim sum].. The weather was still cold and some more papa chose the seats which are at outside’s one.. Erhmm, the food is not really taste nice, some more it’s a little bit salty too! *No wonder the restaurant has been named as AH XIAN -.-* And huh, the service is so damn bad?! Those workers were just standing there and chit-chatting, without caring about us -.- Whatthehell..

Back to home after that.. We decided to go Pavillion and brotha was not going to follow us.. Off to Pavillion.. I drove again this time; using my mum’s car since they said my proton saga wasn’t comfortable wor -.- Okay fine.. Oh yes! Reversed my parking in one goal again~ [Don't be so proud because you've been driving for almost 1years+ le okay?!]

ICE AGE 3! As everyone says it is really a funny movie, so me and my little sis decided to watch it! *Screaming* There were many couples there, except me and yewyew *Wondering, maybe they will thought we are lesbians?* Our show was at 12.25pm; lunch time.. So of course we bought the popcorn and drinks also for the movie :) Animals inside the movie are so so so CUTE <3 The playground for kids is loved! The BUCK is so yeng, he’s like a pirate who is without an eye ;D And and, the babies of dinosaur & elephant are so damn cute lah especially the baby Peach~ baby of Ellie and Manny.. Can’t find a word to describe the cuteness ;D It is really a funny and stimulate[means 刺激, right?] movie! Anyway, you should go and watch it! In the evening, I fetched the whole family plus my granma again to have our dinner[steak] at Kampung Pandan or whatever its name la; I can’t really remembered it.. I feel so satisfied with it because my granma said I’m her first grandchild who fetch her here and there.. Even my cousins[表哥表姐] also didn’t fetch her before although they got their licenses many years ago.. But still have one thing that I’m quite sad for is my another grandmotha[dad's mum] doesn’t have a chance to sit my car -.- Haiz..


 Finished with <ID Persona>..
I’ve downloaded the last episode for quite a couple days ago but didn’t have time to watch it..
It’s really a nice drama man..
Hmm, the things which disappointed me are ShunFeng wasn’t be paired with OnYi and Kit’s wife was died.. Kesiannya..
Planning to watch now but since the time is already 10p.m., I need to go for sleep le; tomorrow still got audit class on 8a.m. ar~
Good Nitez everyone!


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