Sunday, July 5, 2009 - , 0 comments

first day for ACCA July Intake 2009

was awakened by my brotha's stupid alarm..
it was just 5+ in the morning..
there were actually still have one more hour for me to sleep de leh..
i couldn't say that i don't mind or never mind at all..
i mind a lots, okay?!
i'll be emo and lost the concentration on the next day if i'm not enough sleep this day..
and since today is my first day of class,
i must make sure that i'm 100% concentrate in class and knew what have actually taught by the lecturer..
but, what has happened?! huh??
stupid brotha la.. woke me up one hour earlier and he dared to tell us he's not going to school today..
what the F**K!! DAMN you!!
i tried to sleep again but i can't..
another hated sound was came from the back of my house..
it's really sounded on time..

ms. geetha(my F9's lecturer) dismissed the class earlier as she has finished what she wanted to teach..
so, i went to refill the petrol for my car at Shell..
i hate the times when i was needed to fill it up myself..
Smelly, Dirty and Oily..
i really cannot tahan the smell of the fuel la; yucks!
therefore i usually  will ask my dad to drive my car when the petrol was left with one or two bars..
after that he'll finish up the rest automatically.. hee..
otherwise i'll paksa my mum to go and fill it for me :)
bad gurl, it's me~

teman mummy to ampang again because she needs to urut her neck twice a week..
meimei tends to follow too but she couldn't wake up.. liar!
the moment waiting for mummy is really sienz..
i have nothing to do; cannot online too because i didn't found any of the wlan networks there..
wanted to sleep but i scare that others will thought i'm died inside the car and called bomba to save me..
i saw a lot of these 烏龍事件 from the newspaper, it's true; not a joke..
went to pavilion at night and i bought a jacket from A|X..
thanks to daddy; love you so much!~

hmm, i'm gonna to find some free time to head to ikea..
i'm thinking to decorate my bedroom again to squeeze some spare capacity out..
firstly, i need a bookshelf to store my textbooks, notes and magazines..
next, a 玻璃窗柜 to keep my S.H.E's thingy; other CDs and DVDs..
lastly, a wardrobe which can hang many clothes; store socks, scarves, bags, heels and so on..
that's all for now because i think these stuffs may cost more than thousand bucks..
daddy will scold me de, i think.. :(


It takes three seconds to say I LOVE YOU;
Three hours to explain it;
And a life time to prove it...

done with my job..
Good Nitez~~
晚安 = I Love You, Love You


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