Thursday, July 30, 2009 - 0 comments

I hate to be a girl!

Why must let women suffer this type of pain arh??
God, you're not fair langsung!!
I'm not feeling well for the whole morning yesterday, erm, not whole morning, is the whole day..
I know.. It's common that girls will be having this problem when their "best friend" came to visit them..
But I'm just so exhausted with it..
And summore its couple~ stomachache will always be following her too at the same time..
Swt -.-'
Period pain + Stomachache = Crazier Ying
I ate the panadol before I went to sunway but no use!
I dunno whether the medicine is useless er or my body cannot absorb it..
Haiz :(
Anyway I feel better after having our lunch break..
Thanks Ms. Geetha

It started to rain heavily after I fetched those guys to chs..
Wa-lao-ye, I can't even see the road nor the lights of the other cars..
I was driving in the middle of two lanes..
And since I'm not feeling well, I've no force to control it, so, just let it be lo..
Luckily not many cars were on the road cause it was just six something in the morning..
Overall, I'm not a responsible driver! :p

Oh gosh!
PT1 is coming soon! Starts next friday..
This 'coming soon' is horrible than that coming soon movie -.-
Just started the new sem for not exceeding one month and the PT was just around the corner liao..
-.-' boh?? (of course -.-' la!!)
And after the PT, my June's results will be coming out also on the following week after it..
My GOD, bless, blessing and blessed me!
Plz!! I need YOU, plz BE WITH ME bah!!

Things to do:-
~ Must go to KLCC to collect my free gift from L'occitane..
One month time is almost due and I really need the shower oil..
Oh ya, its skin care products are really effective..
Clear/reduce my blackheads & acne; control the oily of T-junction; smoothened my skin too..
Anyway, I think it's better than Dior's(maybe I'm not suit to it gua)..

~ Roxy; buy the black bag which I like..
I'm so regret that I didn't bought it on last saturday because I bring not enough money..
Although I can use my credit card to purchase it, I didn't do so cause I scared my dad will scold me..
Actually I know he won't but my heart just felt 不爽 lor..

~ PC fair; buy some useful stuff..
I've no particular things to buy also..
Maybe just walk around and look for Weiyi :)

~ Watch <Ghost of Girlfriends Past>, <大内密探零零狗>, <UP>
I think those are funny; can release stress..

~ Fetch daddy; sunday back from China..

~ Start studying/revising for F7,8,9 for the coming PT1..
I scared my audit paper..
Ms. Kiran, 手下留情, okay??

~ Praying for my results...

~ Order or buy my S.H.E's <愛的3溫暖>..

XX ;

Wretch has changed its posting tool to a new version..
Almost same with blogspot de or even newer than that..
Cool! I like it!!


CHS's report card day..
So, mummy no need to fetch those afternoon session students..
She suggested to go to OUG pasar malam later..
I'm going too :)


I'll be right here waiting for you..
Whatever it takes or how my heart breaks..


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