Friday, July 31, 2009 - 0 comments


I wanna eat CROISSANT!!
Ms. Geetha la; suddenly talked about breads and croissant when she's giving some examples..
And that reminds me of those very delicious croissants!~

Wao~ Delicious, right??!
I'm drooling & felt a little bit hungry now :p
Hope my dreams will contain part of them plus a cup of hot mocha x)
Thursday, July 30, 2009 - 0 comments

I hate to be a girl!

Why must let women suffer this type of pain arh??
God, you're not fair langsung!!
I'm not feeling well for the whole morning yesterday, erm, not whole morning, is the whole day..
I know.. It's common that girls will be having this problem when their "best friend" came to visit them..
But I'm just so exhausted with it..
And summore its couple~ stomachache will always be following her too at the same time..
Swt -.-'
Period pain + Stomachache = Crazier Ying
I ate the panadol before I went to sunway but no use!
I dunno whether the medicine is useless er or my body cannot absorb it..
Haiz :(
Anyway I feel better after having our lunch break..
Thanks Ms. Geetha

It started to rain heavily after I fetched those guys to chs..
Wa-lao-ye, I can't even see the road nor the lights of the other cars..
I was driving in the middle of two lanes..
And since I'm not feeling well, I've no force to control it, so, just let it be lo..
Luckily not many cars were on the road cause it was just six something in the morning..
Overall, I'm not a responsible driver! :p

Oh gosh!
PT1 is coming soon! Starts next friday..
This 'coming soon' is horrible than that coming soon movie -.-
Just started the new sem for not exceeding one month and the PT was just around the corner liao..
-.-' boh?? (of course -.-' la!!)
And after the PT, my June's results will be coming out also on the following week after it..
My GOD, bless, blessing and blessed me!
Plz!! I need YOU, plz BE WITH ME bah!!

Things to do:-
~ Must go to KLCC to collect my free gift from L'occitane..
One month time is almost due and I really need the shower oil..
Oh ya, its skin care products are really effective..
Clear/reduce my blackheads & acne; control the oily of T-junction; smoothened my skin too..
Anyway, I think it's better than Dior's(maybe I'm not suit to it gua)..

~ Roxy; buy the black bag which I like..
I'm so regret that I didn't bought it on last saturday because I bring not enough money..
Although I can use my credit card to purchase it, I didn't do so cause I scared my dad will scold me..
Actually I know he won't but my heart just felt 不爽 lor..

~ PC fair; buy some useful stuff..
I've no particular things to buy also..
Maybe just walk around and look for Weiyi :)

~ Watch <Ghost of Girlfriends Past>, <大内密探零零狗>, <UP>
I think those are funny; can release stress..

~ Fetch daddy; sunday back from China..

~ Start studying/revising for F7,8,9 for the coming PT1..
I scared my audit paper..
Ms. Kiran, 手下留情, okay??

~ Praying for my results...

~ Order or buy my S.H.E's <愛的3溫暖>..

XX ;

Wretch has changed its posting tool to a new version..
Almost same with blogspot de or even newer than that..
Cool! I like it!!


CHS's report card day..
So, mummy no need to fetch those afternoon session students..
She suggested to go to OUG pasar malam later..
I'm going too :)


I'll be right here waiting for you..
Whatever it takes or how my heart breaks..

Thursday, July 23, 2009 - 0 comments

Sweet & Memorable Trip to BT

Okay, this wasn't prepared by me..
It's from my lil sis..
Saw me??
[The one with the pink bearbear..]
[I usually called her 粉紅豹 ;p ]
Orange Italy Cheese Cake from RT too..
[Tiramisu cake is nicer :p ]
Bukit Tinggi
Almost 10yrs+ didn't went there before le..
Granmma & Mummy
Yew said this is 'REFLECTION' wor~
I don't think she can make it lor -.-
What is she doing??
Giving a white flag to surrender??
Abandoned by others??!
I love this!!
"泉、瑞希, I'm your SUPER FAN!!"
So funny meh??!
This is the one and only photo taken which my dad smile happily..
Otherwise he looks very serious de when he's taking photos -.-'
哇~ 美腿!
Does it look a little bit fake??
Drink or wash??
[I dunno..]
[I dunno why so expensive one..]
Why looks like a dog de??!
Photo that I like the most..

Don't think too much!
It's just '借位'!
~ END ~
[There's still a lot of photos; but I'm very very lazy..]


人是自私的! 這我從很早以前就知道的了.. 可是有時候, 當事情發生的時候, 還是會不由自主地感到很氣憤!!

我不明白, 就算是不認識的, 好歹也是同班同學, 他們有必要這樣子嗎??!!
如果是一次半次, 那還沒關係.. 可是如果連續兩天都是這樣, 那就太過分了!!

星期四的早上, 歷史又重演了.. 只不過今天早上發生的比較讓我啼笑皆非~
跟平常一樣, 我大概七點兩個字就到學校了.. 這麽早去的原因就是要去霸前面的位子, 好讓我們上課能專心一點; 聼得到老師在講什麽; 黑板在寫什麽..
差不多7:40am吧, 我也不太清楚, 總之就是快要上課了吧, 我心想這次終于不用再換課室了吧?!
怎 知我才剛剛跟XinJie講完我的想法后, 坐我前面的那個gang的其中一個人(White Shirt)接到不懂是誰的電話, 說我們班可能要換去Audi 7上課, 那個人看到我看著他, 他就立刻用手遮住他的嘴巴、小小聲地在那邊講電話.. 其實, 我很想笑! 難道他沒聽説過"掩耳盜鈴"的故事嗎??!
除了前面那一排, 他們那一gang還有兩個人坐在我隔壁, 我還看到我旁邊穿紅衣(RS)的那個人用唇型問WS是不是要換去Audi 7呢..
然後RS就開始收書包, 想要走出去.. 我就看著他, 他也看著我, 我還以爲他會想要告訴我換班的事情, 怎知他只是爬上椅子從我後面走了出去.. 哇, 我整個人傻眼耶!! 他是不是還有什麽事情沒跟我們說的啊?!!
就這樣, 他們那一gang(十幾個人)就把我們百多個人丟在LT7; 自己走去Audi了..
坐我後面那一排的同學, 應該也是有聽到什麽東東吧, 他們就來問我是不是要換班什麽的.. 我也不知道該怎麽回答她們, 因爲我也不確定..
然後他們就開始講説:"應該是要換班的啦, 要不然那些人怎麽會走掉呢?? bla bla bla....."
突然閒整班就熱鬧起來了, 好像pasar pagi一樣!!
過不久, 我們班的class rep~SuYi就告訴我們換班的消息了..

很過分啊!! 他們怎麽可以這樣??!
是因爲怕我們一整班人一起去, 他們會霸不到前面的位子嗎??
不用這麽小心眼吧?! 好歹也是同學一場啊!!
難道他們不會覺得自己很過分的嗎??!! 氣死我了!!

還有更生氣的是, 去到Audi7后, 沒辦法, 我不想坐後面, 唯有選最靠近老師的位子了; 那麽巧的又是坐在那gang的後面兩排..
然後有一班女生進來, 看到我前面那一排還有位子, 就坐了下去..
可是那gang的其中一個女生就轉過頭來, 跟那些女生講:" Sorry.. There is someone sitting here.. Can you all plz move??"
我聽到后, 火立刻攻心.. 有沒有搞錯啊, 霸位?? 霸什麽位?? 那位子上什麽書、書包也沒有, 凴什麽說那是你霸的位子啊?!!!!
過分!! 過分!! 過分!!

以上純屬發發牢騷, 切勿對號入座..

我要去洗澡了, 降降火去..


Trip to Bukit Tinggi, gonna to update soon..
Let me finish my F9's h/w first..

Sunday, July 19, 2009 - , , 0 comments

Selina Hebe Ella [S.H.E] ; WuChun ♥

趁現在得空無野做, 又睡不着, 就做些自己喜歡的事吧~

S.H.E <愛的3溫暖>

馬來西亞, 八月上旬才出售..
RM55 一本..

可是聽説數量有限, 而且馬來西亞又沒有辦預購會喔..





當然了, 怎麽可能忘了我的阿尊尊..
我只知道甄子丹的戯份已經殺青了; 我想阿尊尊的也快結束了吧?!
之前有人po了阿尊強盜的造型上網, 我有看到..
Erm, 我覺得他還是現代的造型好看一點..
古代的, 怎麽看都好像有點怪怪滴說..


I'll be going to Bukit Tinggi later on 5/6a.m. to celebrate my dad's birthday..
Yeah, today is my lovely daddy's BIRTHDAY!!
Happy Birthday ya, Daddy~
祝你福如東海, 壽比南山!!
I'm begging them to let me drive but no one choy me wor..
Friday, July 17, 2009 - 0 comments

Three Ms. of F7, 8, 9.

F7 Financial Reporting; Ms. Santha
Quite familiar with her because she was my T6's lecturer before this..
I felt that she seems to be more funny and cute if compared to last year..
And the most important thing is she likes to treat us as kindergarten children..
I dunno why she loves to ask us to repeat her words again and again after she has said something..
The following is the conversation extracted from our lessons:
Ms. Santha: ... trade discounts. Class, what discounts?
We: TRADE discounts.
Ms. Santha: Class, again, what discounts?
I've nothing much to say about this paper except it is BULKY..
I hate those regulatory/conceptual frameworks and the IAS which need a lot of time to memorize..
It is time consuming and I've already started to get blur when she is teaching one of those IAS(International Accounting Standards)..
And she likes to give a lot of h/ws leh..
I'm getting headache when I was doing them :(

F8 Audit and Assurance; Ms. Kiran
I think I can still get what she was talking about during the first and second day of our audit classes..
But one thing that I extremely dislike is she loves to write shortcuts and don't ever let us to copy first..
A MUST to wait until she has finished talking what she wanted to say before we can actually started to copy her notes on the board..
Okay I’ll think this is for our own good because she scared that we can’t 100% concentrate on what she said when we’re copying and listening to her at the same time..
I really can understood for this de wor..
However, sometimes I will get blur looking at her “shortcuts’ words”..
She just wrote the first alphabet of all the keywords on the board and talk whatever she wanted to talk; I means explaining la..
The time passed and I’ll get confuse about it..
For eg la: AR; this shortcut can be expanded as audit report or articles review or any other breakdown of words..
Next, for the other single words, she’ll just wrote K, J, L and so on to represent it..
Hai-yo, K can be a lot of words de okay?!
Besides, she also keep on saying that we did the right decision of choosing ACCA as the course/subject because ACCA is challenging wor..
Oh my gosh, plz stop it and don’t keep repeating okay?! Or else I’ll regret de..
I’m a risk adverse people who don’t like and don’t want to take risk or challenge the ACCA..
I'm just aimed to pass it smoothly in these 3 years time..
Erm... I felt sleepy in the middle of her class and I know she knew it because she had said something about it before she ended the class..
So sorry for it but I was only felt sleepy in your class nia.. I didn’t diao you in F7 nor F9 although I’m tired also.. :p

F9 Financial Management; Ms. P.Geetha
This is P.Geetha; not my T2's lecturer; that's R.Geetha..
Hmm.. I love her the most because I think that she is the nicest teacher in this semester..
She called herself a teacher because she don't think she's a lecturer wor..
And she likes to give us some general questions; not about F9's; it's just some general knowledge during her class..
I dunno the answers even one of them because I didn't read newspapers and story books :p
Okay for this paper since I did T10 before but still got some formulas which will be easily got misunderstood..
And once got it wrong, everything will goes wrong and confusing..


Currently listening to Akon's <Be With You> from Fly FM..
This version is more nicer than the version which he sang with Wilber Pan..
And it reminds me something which happened last few days ago when i heard of this song..
My little cute sistha**yew got mad on one of those nights!
Gosh, she kept hugging me tight on the bed..
Of course, I tried so hard to kick her away from me but she just kept sticking with me and sang Will's <Be With You>~ and I don't care what they say[lesbian izzit??], I'm gonna be with you, I'm gonna be with you, I'm wanna be with you! -.-
Lame kia..


我愛你  你愛我  是不是  還不夠
我不懂  爲什麽  付出的  全落空


Three Ms. of F7, 8, 9.

F7 Financial Reporting; Ms. Santha
Quite familiar with her because she was my T6's lecturer before this..
I felt that she seems to be more funny and cute if compared to last year..
And the most important thing is she likes to treat us as kindergarten children..
I dunno why she loves to ask us to repeat her words again and again after she has said something..
The following is the conversation extracted from our lessons:
Ms. Santha: ... trade discounts. Class, what discounts?
We: TRADE discounts.
Ms. Santha: Class, again, what discounts?
I've nothing much to say about this paper except it is BULKY..
I hate those regulatory/conceptual frameworks and the IAS which need a lot of time to memorize..
It is time consuming and I've already started to get blur when she is teaching one of those IAS(International Accounting Standards)..
And she likes to give a lot of h/ws leh..
I'm getting headache when I was doing them :(

F8 Audit and Assurance; Ms. Kiran
I think I can still get what she was talking about during the first and second day of our audit classes..
But one thing that I extremely dislike is she loves to write shortcuts and don't ever let us to copy first..
A MUST to wait until she has finished talking what she wanted to say before we can actually started to copy her notes on the board..
Okay I’ll think this is for our own good because she scared that we can’t 100% concentrate on what she said when we’re copying and listening to her at the same time..
I really can understood for this de wor..
However, sometimes I will get blur looking at her “shortcuts’ words”..
She just wrote the first alphabet of all the keywords on the board and talk whatever she wanted to talk; I means explaining la..
The time passed and I’ll get confuse about it..
For eg la: AR; this shortcut can be expanded as audit report or articles review or any other breakdown of words..
Next, for the other single words, she’ll just wrote K, J, L and so on to represent it..
Hai-yo, K can be a lot of words de okay?!
Besides, she also keep on saying that we did the right decision of choosing ACCA as the course/subject because ACCA is challenging wor..
Oh my gosh, plz stop it and don’t keep repeating okay?! Or else I’ll regret de..
I’m a risk adverse people who don’t like and don’t want to take risk or challenge the ACCA..
I'm just aimed to pass it smoothly in these 3 years time..
Erm... I felt sleepy in the middle of her class and I know she knew it because she had said something about it before she ended the class..
So sorry for it but I was only felt sleepy in your class nia.. I didn’t diao you in F7 nor F9 although I’m tired also.. :p

F9 Financial Management; Ms. P.Geetha
This is P.Geetha; not my T2's lecturer; that's R.Geetha..
Hmm.. I love her the most because I think that she is the nicest teacher in this semester..
She called herself a teacher because she don't think she's a lecturer wor..
And she likes to give us some general questions; not about F9's; it's just some general knowledge during her class..
I dunno the answers even one of them because I didn't read newspapers and story books :p
Okay for this paper since I did T10 before but still got some formulas which will be easily got misunderstood..
And once got it wrong, everything will goes wrong and confusing..


Currently listening to Akon's <Be With You> from Fly FM..
This version is more nicer than the version which he sang with Wilber Pan..
And it reminds me something which happened last few days ago when i heard of this song..
My little cute sistha**yew got mad on one of those nights!
Gosh, she kept hugging me tight on the bed..
Of course, I tried so hard to kick her away from me but she just kept sticking with me and sang Will's <Be With You>~ and I don't care what they say[lesbian izzit??], I'm gonna be with you, I'm gonna be with you, I'm wanna be with you! -.-
Lame kia..


我愛你  你愛我  是不是  還不夠
我不懂  爲什麽  付出的  全落空

Thursday, July 16, 2009 - 0 comments

Say You ♥ Me Too

爲什麽你總是悶悶不樂  你知不知道你是最好的
這首歌 我唱這首歌  就是要給你快樂

世界上只有你獨一無二  我為你填上幸福的顔色
這首歌 我唱這首歌  你要專心地聼著

說你也一樣愛著我  有一個溫暖角落  那是我心窩
把你的愛收起來  放進我的口袋  不讓你輕易離開

我會永遠愛著你  到老還是同一句  因爲我珍惜
輕輕地搖著籃椅  帶著老花眼鏡  還記得我們這首歌

世界上只有你獨一無二  我為你填上幸福的顔色
這首歌 我唱這首歌  你要專心地聼著

說你也一樣愛著我  有一個溫暖角落  那是我心窩
把你的愛收起來  放進我的口袋  不讓你輕易離開

我會永遠愛著你  到老還是同一句  因爲我珍惜
輕輕地搖著籃椅  帶著老花眼鏡  還記得我們這首歌

說你也一樣愛著我  有一個溫暖角落  那是我心窩
把你的愛收起來  放進我的口袋  不讓你輕易離開

我會永遠愛著你  到老還是同一句  因爲我珍惜
輕輕地搖著藍椅  帶著老花眼鏡  還記得我們這首歌

: :

A song which filled with simple but sweet sweet lyrics~
Monday, July 13, 2009 - , , 0 comments

Life is just like a ferris wheel: turning and turning; non-stop.

I have a pretty nice day, do you? (;

Woke up in the early morning yesterday.. Hmm, at about 5:50a.m. bah and got to jogging with my parents and brotha.. The sky was still so dark and the weather was so cold *打冷顫* Although very tired, I still managed to finish to climb over the Bukit Gasing! Say YAY ;D It’s not easy for us[those fatties] to climb a hill, you know?! I’ll still felt very very very tired although I climb every weeks -.-

Then, we went back to home to fetch my little sistha who was still sleeping like a PIG and of course, my grandmotha too.. Her house was nearby ours like about 1km nia.. Lol, off to Ah Xian’s restaurant which located at Bandar Puteri; Puchong to eat our breakfast[dim sum].. The weather was still cold and some more papa chose the seats which are at outside’s one.. Erhmm, the food is not really taste nice, some more it’s a little bit salty too! *No wonder the restaurant has been named as AH XIAN -.-* And huh, the service is so damn bad?! Those workers were just standing there and chit-chatting, without caring about us -.- Whatthehell..

Back to home after that.. We decided to go Pavillion and brotha was not going to follow us.. Off to Pavillion.. I drove again this time; using my mum’s car since they said my proton saga wasn’t comfortable wor -.- Okay fine.. Oh yes! Reversed my parking in one goal again~ [Don't be so proud because you've been driving for almost 1years+ le okay?!]

ICE AGE 3! As everyone says it is really a funny movie, so me and my little sis decided to watch it! *Screaming* There were many couples there, except me and yewyew *Wondering, maybe they will thought we are lesbians?* Our show was at 12.25pm; lunch time.. So of course we bought the popcorn and drinks also for the movie :) Animals inside the movie are so so so CUTE <3 The playground for kids is loved! The BUCK is so yeng, he’s like a pirate who is without an eye ;D And and, the babies of dinosaur & elephant are so damn cute lah especially the baby Peach~ baby of Ellie and Manny.. Can’t find a word to describe the cuteness ;D It is really a funny and stimulate[means 刺激, right?] movie! Anyway, you should go and watch it! In the evening, I fetched the whole family plus my granma again to have our dinner[steak] at Kampung Pandan or whatever its name la; I can’t really remembered it.. I feel so satisfied with it because my granma said I’m her first grandchild who fetch her here and there.. Even my cousins[表哥表姐] also didn’t fetch her before although they got their licenses many years ago.. But still have one thing that I’m quite sad for is my another grandmotha[dad's mum] doesn’t have a chance to sit my car -.- Haiz..


 Finished with <ID Persona>..
I’ve downloaded the last episode for quite a couple days ago but didn’t have time to watch it..
It’s really a nice drama man..
Hmm, the things which disappointed me are ShunFeng wasn’t be paired with OnYi and Kit’s wife was died.. Kesiannya..
Planning to watch now but since the time is already 10p.m., I need to go for sleep le; tomorrow still got audit class on 8a.m. ar~
Good Nitez everyone!
Friday, July 10, 2009 - 0 comments

同一個遺憾 ** Will / Blue

剩下我們 坐在岸邊 看著她越走越遠
白色星星 迎著海面 沙灘好遠
而她的心 去了哪裏 我們都無能爲力
是誰的手 能牽她回來

Does she know? Don’t think so..
愛上了同一個遺憾 恍然明白 那時候
爲何要 對彼此爲難
Tell me she knows, I Don’t think so..
不能重來的傷害 我們都學會了釋懷

兩個朋友 一個最愛 不可能有的未來
只是結局 卻讓我們 如此意外
她的決定 終于太慢 看那微笑的安排
怪 誰的錯(誰的錯) 我們都(我們都) 失敗

Does she know?(she knows) Don’t think so..(i know)
愛上了同一個遺憾 恍然明白 那時候
爲何要 對彼此爲難
Tell me she knows, I Don’t think so..
不能重來的傷害 而我們學會了釋懷

Does she know? Don’t think so..
愛上了同一個遺憾 恍然明白 那時候
爲何要 對彼此爲難
Tell me she knows, Cause I Don’t think so..
不能重來的傷害 而我們學會了釋懷


說真的, 他們的聲音還蠻像的..

dunno what’s wrong with 6621..
cannot even download one song since one month ago..
need to find another safe de website le..


mind maps! mind maps!
no mood to do arh!
ms. santha, i tell you:” I DON’T CARE ANYMORE! SIMPLY DO IT FOR YOU LA. “
cause i won’t read it as well..

learning to LET GO




The sweet or bitter of a cup of coffee, is all just depends on how much sugar you've added.
The happiness or sadness of your life, is just depends on your attitude and emotion.
No matter what it is, please, add sugar for yourself.
Then, you will be very happy EVERYDAY ;D


this was not written by me..
just picked it from the sms & translate it nia..

although coffee isn't my cup of tea,
i will still help myself to add sugar,

to make sure i'm happy everyday..

happy happy..

smile  :)
Sunday, July 5, 2009 - , 0 comments

first day for ACCA July Intake 2009

was awakened by my brotha's stupid alarm..
it was just 5+ in the morning..
there were actually still have one more hour for me to sleep de leh..
i couldn't say that i don't mind or never mind at all..
i mind a lots, okay?!
i'll be emo and lost the concentration on the next day if i'm not enough sleep this day..
and since today is my first day of class,
i must make sure that i'm 100% concentrate in class and knew what have actually taught by the lecturer..
but, what has happened?! huh??
stupid brotha la.. woke me up one hour earlier and he dared to tell us he's not going to school today..
what the F**K!! DAMN you!!
i tried to sleep again but i can't..
another hated sound was came from the back of my house..
it's really sounded on time..

ms. geetha(my F9's lecturer) dismissed the class earlier as she has finished what she wanted to teach..
so, i went to refill the petrol for my car at Shell..
i hate the times when i was needed to fill it up myself..
Smelly, Dirty and Oily..
i really cannot tahan the smell of the fuel la; yucks!
therefore i usually  will ask my dad to drive my car when the petrol was left with one or two bars..
after that he'll finish up the rest automatically.. hee..
otherwise i'll paksa my mum to go and fill it for me :)
bad gurl, it's me~

teman mummy to ampang again because she needs to urut her neck twice a week..
meimei tends to follow too but she couldn't wake up.. liar!
the moment waiting for mummy is really sienz..
i have nothing to do; cannot online too because i didn't found any of the wlan networks there..
wanted to sleep but i scare that others will thought i'm died inside the car and called bomba to save me..
i saw a lot of these 烏龍事件 from the newspaper, it's true; not a joke..
went to pavilion at night and i bought a jacket from A|X..
thanks to daddy; love you so much!~

hmm, i'm gonna to find some free time to head to ikea..
i'm thinking to decorate my bedroom again to squeeze some spare capacity out..
firstly, i need a bookshelf to store my textbooks, notes and magazines..
next, a 玻璃窗柜 to keep my S.H.E's thingy; other CDs and DVDs..
lastly, a wardrobe which can hang many clothes; store socks, scarves, bags, heels and so on..
that's all for now because i think these stuffs may cost more than thousand bucks..
daddy will scold me de, i think.. :(


It takes three seconds to say I LOVE YOU;
Three hours to explain it;
And a life time to prove it...

done with my job..
Good Nitez~~
晚安 = I Love You, Love You

Friday, July 3, 2009 - 0 comments

家 · 愛的城堡

, 永遠是最好的避風港。。
所以, 遊子們, 回家吧~ 回到最初的美好!

Your home, will always be the best haven..
When you're tired,
Do not forget there is still a warm place welcoming you...
So please, go back home okay?!




微微笑  小時候的夢我知道



回家吧  回到最初的美好

珍惜一切  就算沒有擁有

p\s: 稻香  by 周傑倫
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