Saturday, October 16, 2010 - , 0 comments

To be or not to be?

Another morning which is again started with the revision for mock -.-

Actually Im still struggling whether wanna go for mock?

No much time left to study and revise already due to:

•  Will be attending Top Ten Charity at night.

•  Wanna watch 2010 Taipei International Flora Expo Concert on Sunday night, through TV obviously. S.H.E!! ^^

•  Extra class for P7 on Monday, from eight in the morning till dunno, the time havent been confirmed yet, most probably four or five bah?! I dont think he can finish all the questions lo.

•  Study at the very last minute! :p

So how?

Its so hard to make decision la!

Do or die?

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Saw this from today's newspaper.

What is going on?

Ella is going to New York at the end of this month to further her studies?

Only start filming her movie next year?

Hoorr! Get deferred again! I should have knew it earlier de! Haizz..

The only thing I can do is...

WAIT... WAIT and WAIT !!


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