Thursday, October 7, 2010 - 0 comments

Old buddies~

Hmmm... I have been delaying this post until today, 'cause Im just totally not in the mood of blogging and was busying with my PT Special for the past couple of days/weeks.
So here Im.. Although its a bit late la.

Did you just saw PT Special?

Yup, its a new term from Sunway-TES!
Its a test which is specifically designed for students who skipped PT1 and/or PT2 or scored less than 30 marks in both of the exams.
&& unfortunately, I did fall into this stupid category, so called potential bar list, by skipping PT2 and scored 2 marks below 30 in PT1!
The purpose of this exam is to ensure their pass rates wouldnt be affected by us I guess.
So who is absent again from this test or fail to meet the target set by them will get barred from the final in December!
Goh said Mr.Teo will personally fly to UK to bar us and defer our payment to next sitting even though we paid for the exam fees wor!
They actually have no rights to do so lo, but I heard that, they will blacklist us and wouldnt send recommendation letter to those large firms so that our chances of being recruited are almost zero.
Hey, what crazy thing is this!?
Look, I really cant stand with Sunway-TES anymore! Im getting mad or even sick with it!
&& the stupid name of Sunway-TES still dare to appear in one of the question of the test paper!
I felt like wanna draw XXXXX on the question paper and my answer booklet o!!
Haiz.. Hopefully I can get more than 30 la, out of 85 marks!
I let go one 15-mark-ques 'cause I still cant get it after I read the question for thrice. I know Im stupid la!
So GOD, please bless me okay?! Thank you~ ^^

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That's enough le! Now let's get it back to the title, and do not let the stupid test which is already O-V-E-R to ruin my mood of updating my post! Calming down**

My old old buddies!

Last last Thursday night(23 SEP 2010), had a gathering with Huei Sing and Nurul @ Murni, SS2.

After my P1 class, went back home for a while 'cause I thought I needa fetch my dad to somewhere that he wanted to go but, he went off early without noticing me! No manners and waste my time! Otherwise I can straight away go to fetch HS de la.
Mummy was back then so I drove her car and off to fetch HS -- my old old buddy who I didnt meet for a long long time! Did I just sang a song? I heard some melodies -.-' Nvm, just ignore it**
Then, we picked N up from TTC and headed to Murni @ SS2 for our dinner.
As usual, I ordered cheese naan and ice limau as my set.
Actually there was a lot of choices but uh the guy who was taking orders for us was just too fast in listing out the foods so I really cant hear what he said and ended up order the usual things that I used to.

Recalled the memories during kindergarten, primary and secondary school; crapped and gossip-ed a lot about friends and classmates..

Chit-chatting time ..........................................

Finished our dinner and prepared to cabut, means balik rumah le.
But then we just suddenly realized that, we havent take photo yet!
&& I forgot who is the one suggested to go for a movie @ SP; obviously not me, 'cause I'll never suggest to watch horror movies de, especially during midnight! I swear!

The one in middle is definitely me, in the left was HS and the right was N~

&& in case cant see the tickets, there's a stronger evidence below:

DEVIL a.k.a. 電梯驚魂


Lousy camera-girl.

Success ^^

Walked around before we can get into the theater..

Ice hockey match. 10 : 1 ; 慘不忍睹啊!

Next time dont forget to bring us ramen if you come back from Japan. ^^

I wanna watch this movie larh!

Looks so PEACE~

Im tall, I know Haha


Seriously, I dont know what am I doing lo? Swt**

I felt so regret after watching it!
Kept screaming during the show but luckily there were someone else doing the same thing and it covers up my voice I guess, at least not so that embarrassed bah.
&& HS is even worst!
She took off her specs and closed her eyes using her pair of hands! Double guarantee? Haha..
But I think she left something, her ears. The sound effects are scary, too! 怕怕**
其实我们三个都很怕咯, 真不知道是哪个见鬼了提议要看?!

Home sweet home at 1a.m. after sending the two girls back.
&& I just couldn't sleep at all that night!
Those horror scenes are automatically pop out and freak me out man! Gosh!
Please! Dont ever ask me to watch horror/ghost movies during midnights again!
Its just too scary and Im a coward actually!

Gotta go, Im tired liao, xx.


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