Saturday, October 9, 2010 - 0 comments

Memories at Yuk Chyun~

Changed my banner again.
No S.H.E this round; I used my own picture ^^
Feels a bit weird but, never mind la, I will change it again if I can find some nice/pretty S.H.E's pictures.

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Due to the last two posts that I updated, they recalled me my primary school memories.
So I went to find out my class photos, but I was just able to find my Standard 1 and 6's only.
Dunno why I dont have Standard 3 till 5 de with me?

I think Im the only one who tied two braids? Cu~~~~~te!!

I cant really remember when is the actual time that I've forced to cut my hair short.
Maybe is during Standard 2 or 3 bah?!
Curly short hair really looks like gila girl o! Haha

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晚上要去三伯家吃飯, 今天好像是阿嫲的生記還是死記啊!
My Saturday night is gone! -.-

Done downloading <Love in Disguise>, gonna watch it now :) Tata.


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