Sunday, October 31, 2010 - , 0 comments

Princess SELINA, Happy Birthday! ♥

十月的最後一天, 我要祝賀我愛的娜娜: 生日快樂!!

Credits as tagged

一句簡單的祝福, 希望你收得到。
雖然今年的生日或許特別也很不一樣, 但我還是希望你能快樂!還有, 永遠愛你哦!^^

Selina, 你真的真的很幸福, 幸福到連老天爺爺也妒嫉了!
再加上有如親生姐妹的老婆們, HE;
哇, 你大概是這世界上最幸福的人之一了!

其實從你出事到現在, 我真的只哭過一次, 可剛才去官網, 看了阿中給你的birthday message, 我又哭了!
感覺你真的很痛很痛, 真得很為你心疼; 可另一方面, 又很慶幸你有阿中, 一個給我感覺很愛很愛你、又對你不離不棄的男人!

我無法感覺你所受的痛苦, 我也知道未來的路還很長、很困難, 但, 你還是要趕快好起來, 明年四月才能儅阿中漂漂亮亮的新娘!!你美麗的肌膚穿上婚紗一定很美吧!
雖然婚禮我一定不能參加的, 不過我還是會在某一個角落祝福着你!!

公主Selina, 你要加油!
就像阿中所說的, 你一定會通過這個考驗, 然後浴火重生!祝福你!

Thursday, October 28, 2010 - 0 comments

Top Ten Charity / ’10 Oct 16

May the angels be by your side and take good care of you.

Credits as tagged

每天都為妳祈禱祝福一次, 祝願妳早日康復!

那日子還很遙遠呢, 所以你千萬別放棄哦!加油!

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I almost forgot about this if daddy doesnt remind me to upload the photos to his FB. ;)

Top Ten Charity / '10 Oct 16, held at my primary school.

And and here's some photos of the day:

The tickets ~

The hall ~

Mama and meimei ~

Me and mei ~

Us ~

Credits: Yewyew ; the photographer and daddy's FB

More photos viewing please kindly move to:

There are around 450 photos but I only uploaded half of it..
Im so tired now and FB is so lag too. So... that's all for now la, next time only upload the rest, when Im free. ^^
Wednesday, October 27, 2010 - , 0 comments

Movie: The Child’s Eye ~童眼

Continue to pray for Selina.. Hopefully she will get better and better each day! :)

Credits: Owner

Ella and Hebe finally able to and went to the hospital to see our Princess Selina this afternoon.
After the visit, both E and H said their wifey ~~S is very strong and brave than we/they expected and she is really our SHERO!!
And and she is actually the one who giving encouragement to them and asking them not to worry about her.
NaNa, Im very very proud of you, really!

S.H.E will not be S.H.E anymore if there is no S!
So please try your best to get well as soon as you can and return us back a super healthy Selina, okay!?
All of us will be right here supporting you! Jiayou~

Loves you and take care ya!!! ^^

p\s: 任爸任媽, 阿中, 容容, 寶貝, 喜碧, 還有記者們, 辛苦了。。

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After meimei came back from school, bro and her suddenly say wanna go watch this movie.
I dont wanna follow actually but one said she just finished her exam and wanna relax wor, she was begging me, and another one said he dont want to go if jie is not following, 要我做壞人啦!? So... obviously Im forced to go de!
Fuyoh.. Pay money to torture myself!? Gila**

First visit to Tropicana's cinema. Wao, its so cold there, luckily I got bring my jacket ;b
There's only three of us plus one couple plus two strangers, 7 people in total, in the big theater. So terrible!

Elaine ~~江若琳 is quite pretty!

Im not so clear with the story line, because I already started to close my eyes and used my hands to close my ears from the beginning till the end of it.
However, I can still hear some sounds la so I still got scream in between it, only me! Fish fish**
Strangers all looking at me when the lights are on again. Horr.. No face already!

Emhmm.. I teared when one of the scene, Rainnie says “ 求你。。別再殺人了! ”
I myself also dunno what's wrong with me... Maybe its because of Selina's case bah...
But definitely not because of I was afraid of it o!! ;p Lol

Gotta sleep, xx. ~~J
Tuesday, October 26, 2010 - 0 comments

Let us all GAMBATEH together!! ~^^

Continue praying for Selina..

Credits to the owner

She has successfully completed her surgery and finally regained consciousness at 3pm yesterday.
I dunno what is 「清創手術/Debridement Surgery」, but never mind, as long as it can save S or reduce her pain then its okay.

~~心疼嗎? 愛你的人心當然會疼啊, 公主Selina, 你受了點傷, 你還是我的公主啊

Our Princess Selina, we all know that you are very strong and brave, please continue to fight with it, we will wait for you here, no matter how long it takes!
So S, jiayou!
And and, Ah Diong, Ren Ba Ren Ma, Ella, Hebe, Kirsten... all also needa jiayou together!

Btw, the 煙火師, 工作人員, even the director, all of them 下地獄吧!
  • 叫Selina穿絲襪, 最容易着火的, 難怪她的腳傷得最嚴重!She even cant wear mini skirt again for the rest of her life! Poor NaNa!
  • 一點安全措施也沒有, 不負責任兼草管人命!!至少負責滅火的水車也該有一輛吧?
  • 用汽油, 簡直是謀殺!!Dont they have some common sense? Didnt they know that its flammable?!
  • 事後工作人員憑空消失, 一個也沒受傷, 這根本就是預謀謀殺嘛!!!Why only Selina and Hao Ming are injured huh?!!!
  • 這麽危險的爆炸戯, 竟然沒有用替身, 這不是謀殺是什麽? 我不是說替身的命不是命, 只不過他們有經驗, 比較安全嘛!
  • 這麽危險的一場戯, 竟然沒有試爆就直接來, 導演是腦殘了, 還是原本就沒腦的?


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Im so tired!
Just came back from exercise with mummy. I cant even climb up the small hill in Gasing hill!

Must start doing exercise again, after a nearly half year rest!

OhMyGod, I really feel like wanna die now! Bang-the-wall-i.n.g.**

Arrrggghhh.... Im 65kg now! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!

If I didnt stop exercising, I will not gained back the kgs!
If I didnt stop exercising, I must be a pretty girl now, not a big fat pig!
If I didnt stop exercising, even though Im not a pretty girl, I will still at below 58kg!
If I didnt stop exercising, I can continue wearing/sharing meimei's clothes, not like now, even my newly bought shorts are tight!

Gosh, NO!
No burgers, McD's ice-cream anymore!
No snacks, especially strawberry rocky biscuit stick!
No fried foods, but only water-boiled veges!

I must start exercising and eat less again from today onwards!
I must find back my motivation and confidence from now onwards!
I must not sitting down for computer after every meal that I had!
I must at least drink 10 cups of water, to prevent hunger and 清腸, per day!
I must at least lose 1kg in a 10-day-time, I hope so!

Selina, let us both GAMBATEH together!
You will trying hard to recover or maybe building up your confidence again and I will try my best to slim down, okay?
Jiayou, jiayou, jiayou! ^^
Sunday, October 24, 2010 - , , 0 comments

Princess Selina

I saw that someone in tieba said Selina's flight has reached Taipei, hope everything will be fine!



這麽多天了, 我直到聽到這首歌, 眼淚才終于忍不住地往下掉!
想不到, 寶貝之前為小只寫的歌, 現在聼起來卻這麽的悲傷!

公主Selina, 無論你變成怎麽樣, 你永遠都會還是我們心目中的公主!
你要堅強, 努力, 度過這一関!加油哦!願天庇佑你!
Saturday, October 23, 2010 - 0 comments

Please pray for Selina…!

Please pray for her!!! She is badly injured in the explosion during the filming of her series...

An explosion happened during the filming of <I have A Date With Spring> yesterday!
I get shocked when I read this from weibo this morning!
The news reporter said that Selina was hurt on her hands, feet and back.
They also mentioned Selina was 50% burnt and its quite severe!

And and Dafansoo, S.H.E's 經紀人, stated in his weibo that Selina's situation is suffer from Third Degree Burns and have to perform skin grafting!!?
OhMyGosh! That's horrible! I heard that that can cause lots of complications de!

Hoorr.. Poor Selina!!! Why does this happen to her??!!
Really really hope that she will be okay!!

Everyone, please pray for SELINA, please.. Hope that everything will be fine soon!

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Updated at 9:11pm..

Argh! So geli!

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Updated on 24/10/2010 11:32am..

Next week will be S's 29th birthday le! Looks like she needa stay in the hospital during her big day. Poor S!

任家萱, 你要加油哦!會好起來的。 。一切都會好起來的!誠心的為你祈禱!

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Updated on 24/10/2010 03:16pm..

Selina, 你真的真的要加油啊!我們都會等你的!!

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Updated on 24/10/2010 09:15pm..

S is flying back to Taiwan for further medical care!
All the reporters and fans, please stay away from her; dont block their way to the hospital!
And and the media, please stop going near to S! Its dangerous for her to be exposed to anyone at all because she will be easily infected by bacteria right now!
Please, okay? Thank you!

Praying for S and HM...
Friday, October 22, 2010 - 0 comments

Oops, I feel guilty!?

The first time I feel so guilty for skipping my mock exams!
&& also maybe a little regret about it.
I should be going de lor!
Mum kept nagging me since yesterday.. So 煩 man!

“ 膽小鬼.. 逃避現實.. 膽小鬼.. 逃避現實.. ”
Argh! Im getting crazy with it!! 拜托, 放過我吧!對不起!我錯了!

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Bro brought me back my EDC/EFC pack, so called revision kit.
Wao, P7's one was so thick man! Its even thicker than my textbook, double of it! Gosh!

Revision classes are going to start soon... means that finals are coming too! Needa start working hard lo! Gambateh J! ^^
Gotta continue watching <公主嫁到> la~ Bye! :)
Saturday, October 16, 2010 - , 0 comments

To be or not to be?

Another morning which is again started with the revision for mock -.-

Actually Im still struggling whether wanna go for mock?

No much time left to study and revise already due to:

•  Will be attending Top Ten Charity at night.

•  Wanna watch 2010 Taipei International Flora Expo Concert on Sunday night, through TV obviously. S.H.E!! ^^

•  Extra class for P7 on Monday, from eight in the morning till dunno, the time havent been confirmed yet, most probably four or five bah?! I dont think he can finish all the questions lo.

•  Study at the very last minute! :p

So how?

Its so hard to make decision la!

Do or die?

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Saw this from today's newspaper.

What is going on?

Ella is going to New York at the end of this month to further her studies?

Only start filming her movie next year?

Hoorr! Get deferred again! I should have knew it earlier de! Haizz..

The only thing I can do is...

WAIT... WAIT and WAIT !!
Tuesday, October 12, 2010 - 0 comments

Twentieth 1001 ^^

2010.10.01 -- Turned 20!

Cant believe that Im actually an adult now!
Feeling weird because Im still like a big child; brainless and childish!

Photos of that day ▼

Chicken drumstick from my mum! I like 白切雞! Yummy!

Chocolate Mousse from RT.


Looks like handicapped o.

Two candles mean Im 20 already!



To Hebe concert finally marked the end of Hebe's promotions in Taiwan.
I heard that she's coming to Malaysia soon! I hope so.
HIM loves to fool people de, just like last time, it said S.H.E are coming to promote their SHERO album, but till now also 不見人影!

Gonna watch <Every Move You Make> CH04 now before get to study a bit for mock next week. Tata :)
Sunday, October 10, 2010 - 0 comments


Helping daddy to upload photos to his FB.

Saw 二哥's status, talking about the robbery which happened few days ago.
His house get broke in and the robbers stole away his Merz car.
&& the interesting part is... the robbers are Chinese-spoken and they really dont scare of alarm and even on all the lights at the living room to have a search for the car key!!! So cheong kong man!! Yeng sui wo dei hwa yan arh!!

Alarms and CCTV are useless!
Alarms dont scare thieves away. They wont get your neighbor's attention. They also dont cause total strangers to call the police for you.
&& the CCTV cant even take down a photo of the thieves.
All these high tech things are totally USELESS!
It has proven in my 二哥's case. Sad**

BTW, I found some photos of:
  • Little Kayden ~~ my handsome nephew! [二哥's son.]

p\s: Not gonna upload all here.. No space la!

Going to search for another two, cute nephew ~~ Chu Cheng [Jia Yi Jiejie's] and niece ~~ princess Iris [Ah Wei Gorgor's]!!

I love babies!!

Hooh.. FB takes so long to upload photos!! 真討厭! T.T

101010 Happy Birthday to Wu Chun!

Oh yeah! Its 101010 today!

Happy Birthday to my No.1 帥哥, GOH KIAT CHUN

“ ... May this year be your best year ever!

Hope your birthday wishes and dreams all come true!

&& You're not just a year older, but a year better!

Jia you! ... ”

GKC, Happy Birthday oh! ^^

Saturday, October 9, 2010 - 0 comments

Memories at Yuk Chyun~

Changed my banner again.
No S.H.E this round; I used my own picture ^^
Feels a bit weird but, never mind la, I will change it again if I can find some nice/pretty S.H.E's pictures.

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Due to the last two posts that I updated, they recalled me my primary school memories.
So I went to find out my class photos, but I was just able to find my Standard 1 and 6's only.
Dunno why I dont have Standard 3 till 5 de with me?

I think Im the only one who tied two braids? Cu~~~~~te!!

I cant really remember when is the actual time that I've forced to cut my hair short.
Maybe is during Standard 2 or 3 bah?!
Curly short hair really looks like gila girl o! Haha

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晚上要去三伯家吃飯, 今天好像是阿嫲的生記還是死記啊!
My Saturday night is gone! -.-

Done downloading <Love in Disguise>, gonna watch it now :) Tata.
Thursday, October 7, 2010 - 0 comments

Pasar malam & 義賣籌款

Went pasar malam with daddy and yewyew tonight.
For what purpose leh?
Of course not buying foods for dinner, 'cause we have already eaten at home.
Then for what?


Playing with the micro-phone and take photos before we actually start working ^^

Lame gag from yewyew:

“ Jie, did you feel hot? ”
“ Of course I did la. I was wearing long sleeves de leh! ”
“ Super hot... ”, start singing Fahrenheit's new song. Swt la her!

Then I told her the story about the broken of the bench @ LT8 which happened during my class.
Both two of us laughed till die just because of the sound effects that I created. Phiak... phiak phiak...
Lame people do lame things! Hahaha

Bro came and joined us then.

&& just suddenly got a craving for McD's ice-cream, so we went to OldTown, the nearest McD store, before we balik rumah.

Kay, really gotta sleep le. Tomorrow class starts at eight and ends at five thirty, a long day to go! xx.
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