Sunday, August 2, 2009 - 0 comments

O.U.G pasar malam

BaBa came back edy..
Due to the time problem, he didn't allow us to go and fetch him at KLIA..
So, he took taxi himself and back at about 2a.m. bah; I'm not sure also because I was sleeping that time..
After breakfast, went to KLCC to collect my free gift and thinking to buy the roxy bag de..
But they said the bag wasn't nice wor; so, I was still not buying the bag at last.. Sad :(
Oh ya, my brotha just got his driving license and he was the driver today..
Phew, I "biu lang hon" when I was sitting behind there.. So scary man!!
But I feel that he's better than me la..

Ah Wooi kor kor is getting married on 1st of Nov this year..
So we went into Tomei to see whether got suitable gift or not..
I saw two diamond necklaces; one is for 表嫂 and one is for myself :p
Mine is with many many small love and cost RM 4444..
Shih; I chose this for myself because the price was not beautiful for wedding purposes..
And this is prettier than the another one which I chose for 未來表嫂 :p
Although I very very love it, we didn't buy them as well because daddy suggested to go to Goldheart @ MV..
Okay lor, Goldheart's are nicer and more suitable for youngest de..
I think 表嫂 will like it de gua..

30.07.09 ; THURSDAY
I dunno why some people was just so stupid and not responsible at all..
How can they burned the rubbish at the behind of the petrol station??
Izzit because they don't afraid of a big explosion??
Didn't they know that if it really explode, many ppl will loss their family de meh??
Such people, better make a self-examination or you can just go and watch the <Burning Flame III>..
Watch clearly and think properly how would you feel if your family members or friends are stuck in the fire!
Since I've mentioned about the <BF III>, I feel that it was not so attractive if compared to <BF II>..

Wao~ This is the very first time I went there..
Mummy said she has almost 10 years didn't go to OUG pasar malam le..
Time passes so fast arh..
Initially yewyew is following too but at last mummy don't allow her to do so cause she's not feeling well..
Nevermind; don't bother about her also..
I'm so full after drinking the bubble milk shake..
Then how am I going to eat other snacks or foods leh??
I mean if I really get to Taiwan..
I must go to 士林夜市 de ma..
It is a big large huge night market wor; a lot of things to eat de..
However, I can't believe that OUG here also has ppl selling the 臺灣雞排 and the 日本章魚燒..
Hooh, a little bit acted like 井底之蛙..
Maybe I haven't seen this before in the pasar malam which nearby my house gua..
They really look delicious but mummy don't let me to buy -_-
Nevermind le; next time I go Taiwan to eat :p
Hmm, there still got a special ice-cream too..
Not the normal type that we usually eat; it was in jelly form de; quite cute and yummy!~
Erm, due to my short-term memory, I can't really think of those things..
So, update ends here la~

Currently ;
> No mood to revise my F7's IAS(s) and frameworks..
(Ms. Santha will ask them tomorrow..)
> No mood to do my audit's h/ws too..
(Due on tuesday..)

PT1 countdown ;
> F7   5days
> F8   8days
> F9   9days


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