Wednesday, August 5, 2009 - 0 comments

L.O.V.E endures everything~

I felt so happy when Ms. Geetha was saying that she will end the class earlier at 1pm..
I thought I can use the spare one and a half hours to go to Amcorp mall to look for the <愛的3溫暖>..
There was a notice stated on HIM website that it will be released on today at all CDs shops..
I was so happy because FINALLY, it will be start selling in M'sia..
But then I called to the Victoria Music and they said the books haven't received yet; maybe within this week..
The same thing happened to Speedy..
Okay fine, I called to Popular @ S.Pyramid after that and they said they won't sell it as well -.-
Aiyo, I thought can get it from Popular because maybe got 20% + 10% discount de.. Sad ):
I guess the books may arrive on Saturday or Sunday..
I really want to buy la! Wait until crazy man..
And because of my exams, I don't think I will be going out on this Saturday & Sunday lo..
The only thing I can do is *wait patiently*~


Happy Birthday to Huei Sing..
She will be coming back from Japan on 25th of this month and stay here for about one month's time..
Hahaa~ Maybe we can hang out together with Nurul and See Mun :)


Off le...
Go and study for my F7 & F9...


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