Tuesday, August 4, 2009 - 0 comments

Disappointed in myself…

I skipped my audit class again today..
Ms. Kiran was having a tutorial class now and I didn't finish her tutorial questions..
Stupid de wor..
I woke up in the midnight and studied for her notes because I scared that she will pick me to answer her questions(she will always do a recap before she starts the class)..
But now I escaped from class also because I scared that she will scold me -.-

I went into the class edy de..
But I came out on 8:02am..
And now I'm sitting in the library here online-ing..
I hate to be like a coward!
My such behavior makes me look down on myself!!

I know I MUST change my attitude from now on!!
I swear that I won't ponteng again next time!!
Sorry Ms. Kiran and sorry for myself!!
I'll make sure that I did my promise!!


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