Thursday, August 27, 2009 - 0 comments

Damn SCARY but WORTH to watch.

21/08/2009 ; FRIDAY
I went for a movie with Weiyi and my lil' sista @ Midvalley.
Victor *mei's friend* came along with us too.
He's adorable:D
We ran into him at the cinema lobby.
He was the only guy, thus he's the only one who needed to buy the tickets for the ladies :)

Originally, Yew and I wanted to watch <Ghost of Girlfriends Past>;
but due to a stupid person, we changed to watch <Orphan> at last.

Before we went into the cinema, something stupid happened -.-
I dunno what's wrong with Weiyi?!
There was a sticker stated no outside foods and drinks are allowed but she dares to show her milk tea to the ticket checkers.
My sis and I were already walked inside but then we have been driven out by one of the guys.
See.. Money wasted la.
Same to Weiyi, Vic's Mc.Donald and coke were all thrown away.

It's the showtime!
OhMyGod the movie, is super duper disgusting!
And because of those scenes, I cried -.-'
This was the first time I cried because of a horror movie..
Erm, not cry lar, but the tears just dropped automatically in the beginning of the movie.
I paid money to torture myself, am I crazy??!
The smart sweetheart, chose not to follow us.
Such a lucky girl~

" I-look-sweet-but-I-am-actually-EVIL"

This girl, named Max in the movie.
She's so cutie!~
So, it's impossible not to fall in love with her :)

I didn't even want to see this movie at first, but I'm so glad that I did.
It's incredibly awesome and a MUST to watch it!!

The movie ended at 11 something.
Initially, we wanted to attend the PYJAMAS PARTY which organized by sweetheart,
but we ended up fetching Vic back to his house @ Puchong.

That's all for my Friday night!~


Tuesday, August 25, 2009 - 0 comments

A break on Thursday

20 August 2009
Hang out with San, Sweetheart and Lobak after Ms. Santha's class which ended at 11a.m...
LiSan as the driver and we went to fetch TianXin at Inti because it seems to be going to rain..
But actually didn't; it just like few tears dropped by the god -.-'

BakChen came and joined us after we had our lunch @ Sushi King..
And then, is SHOWTIME!
It's the time for us to watch <The Proposal>~

I really liked this movie because it was the best romantic comedy in this year!
Overall, I enjoyed this movie a lot..
I've been laughing like mad throughout the whole show ^.*

After movie, LiSan fetched me back to Sunway College to take my car..
I ponteng my CSB class since Mr. Lobak was not going too..
Nvm la, I think my english will also be improved by typing my diaries in english :)


Oh ya, I forgot to look for <The Sims 3>..
I wanna play with it and create someone and someone as the couple..
Heehee, 幻想無罪!~

Monday, August 24, 2009 - , 0 comments

S.H.E is the One

「S.H.E 愛而為一」世界巡迴演唱會要開跑咯~

Yes! S.H.E is the ONE!! And the ONLY ONE!
Nice slogan :)
Sunday, August 23, 2009 - 0 comments

Alohaaa :D

I'm back from Penang..
Now I'm busy watching <Rosy Business> with my whole family..
We are all crazy for this drama and we can't even stop one minute from it..

Some diaries may be updated later when I'm free..
May not also because I'm quite lazy too..
*The Proposal*
*Penang trip*
Tuesday, August 18, 2009 - 0 comments

原來, 我並沒有想象中那麽堅強

畢竟, 以平時的成績來説,
原來, 我並沒有想象中那麽的堅強;
所以到最後, 我還是妥協, 哭了.

很討厭自己會在別人面前哭出來, 那會讓我覺得自己很脆弱;
我也不想讓人安慰我, 同情我, 陪我一起哭, 因爲那會讓我感到很無奈.
所以我也很佩服自己的忍耐度, 竟然可以忍到晚上淩晨才爆發.
然後就一直哭, 一直哭, 哭多久都不記得了,
只知道眼睛到現在還很痛, 腫腫的, 還有深深的雙眼皮, 都不用花錢去割了.

唉, 我自己也知道,
付出多少的努力, 就會收到多少的成績;
就因爲我的不夠努力, 才會得到這樣一個讓我及格不到的分數.
我都已經比平時進步了差不多30分, 爲什麽還差9分都不給我啊??
就因爲那該死的9分, 我就必須重新花錢上課, 給錢重考, 唉.....

最讓我覺得對不起的, 是我的父母.
都不知道該對他們說什麽了, 畢竟現在說對不起也毫無意義.


Life's not that easy but we still have to keep moving on with it..
哭泣沒有用, 跌倒了就要爬起來!

Monday, August 17, 2009 - , 0 comments

Good luck is not on my side :(

Dunno what to say..
But actually I'm not very sad also..
Because the result I get is better than the average marks for those internal exams..
Anyway, FAIL is FAIL..
So I need to see Ms. Pushpa again this sem lor..
Better to suffer in this sem because my aim is to Graduate in DEC 2010..

"小小苦楚等於激勵" ; 廖嘉瀅, 加油!!

P\s: Congratulation for passing F5 and F6~
And congratulate all those who passed their papers!
Sunday, August 16, 2009 - 0 comments


那麽快就斷貨了; 爲什麽都不留一本給我啊?!!
Sungei Wang ~ 沒有
Pavilion ~ 沒有
Sunway Pyramid ~ 沒有


Night journey to KLIA..
Maybe will be updated later..
Depends on my feelings after getting the results la..
Night night~

Wednesday, August 12, 2009 - 0 comments

結束, 意味著緊張的開始

Okay, so finally PT1 is O-V-E-R..
Nothing much to say about this exam..
Directly a long sigh is to be given..
Even though the easiest paper~F9 I also dunno what am I doing..
Totally BLUR..

Five more days to relax..
And then June's results will be coming out..
Let see whether I'll cry for my stupid results or not..

Later still got audit class at 8a.m...
Although not willing, I will still be attending the class since I've promised to do so..
Saturday, August 8, 2009 - 0 comments

Exam sucks!

I don't feel like wanna going to attempt my audit paper on Monday!!

I hate exams! I hate exams! I hate exams!!

Everything goes wrong, very very W.R.O.N.G.

My small little mind cannot absorb those stupid points from the notes although I read it for more than twice..

I feel so STRESS!!

I beh-tahan; Beh-Tahan; BEH-TAHAN
liao lah!!

Wednesday, August 5, 2009 - 0 comments

L.O.V.E endures everything~

I felt so happy when Ms. Geetha was saying that she will end the class earlier at 1pm..
I thought I can use the spare one and a half hours to go to Amcorp mall to look for the <愛的3溫暖>..
There was a notice stated on HIM website that it will be released on today at all CDs shops..
I was so happy because FINALLY, it will be start selling in M'sia..
But then I called to the Victoria Music and they said the books haven't received yet; maybe within this week..
The same thing happened to Speedy..
Okay fine, I called to Popular @ S.Pyramid after that and they said they won't sell it as well -.-
Aiyo, I thought can get it from Popular because maybe got 20% + 10% discount de.. Sad ):
I guess the books may arrive on Saturday or Sunday..
I really want to buy la! Wait until crazy man..
And because of my exams, I don't think I will be going out on this Saturday & Sunday lo..
The only thing I can do is *wait patiently*~


Happy Birthday to Huei Sing..
She will be coming back from Japan on 25th of this month and stay here for about one month's time..
Hahaa~ Maybe we can hang out together with Nurul and See Mun :)


Off le...
Go and study for my F7 & F9...
Tuesday, August 4, 2009 - 0 comments

Disappointed in myself…

I skipped my audit class again today..
Ms. Kiran was having a tutorial class now and I didn't finish her tutorial questions..
Stupid de wor..
I woke up in the midnight and studied for her notes because I scared that she will pick me to answer her questions(she will always do a recap before she starts the class)..
But now I escaped from class also because I scared that she will scold me -.-

I went into the class edy de..
But I came out on 8:02am..
And now I'm sitting in the library here online-ing..
I hate to be like a coward!
My such behavior makes me look down on myself!!

I know I MUST change my attitude from now on!!
I swear that I won't ponteng again next time!!
Sorry Ms. Kiran and sorry for myself!!
I'll make sure that I did my promise!!
Sunday, August 2, 2009 - 0 comments

O.U.G pasar malam

BaBa came back edy..
Due to the time problem, he didn't allow us to go and fetch him at KLIA..
So, he took taxi himself and back at about 2a.m. bah; I'm not sure also because I was sleeping that time..
After breakfast, went to KLCC to collect my free gift and thinking to buy the roxy bag de..
But they said the bag wasn't nice wor; so, I was still not buying the bag at last.. Sad :(
Oh ya, my brotha just got his driving license and he was the driver today..
Phew, I "biu lang hon" when I was sitting behind there.. So scary man!!
But I feel that he's better than me la..

Ah Wooi kor kor is getting married on 1st of Nov this year..
So we went into Tomei to see whether got suitable gift or not..
I saw two diamond necklaces; one is for 表嫂 and one is for myself :p
Mine is with many many small love and cost RM 4444..
Shih; I chose this for myself because the price was not beautiful for wedding purposes..
And this is prettier than the another one which I chose for 未來表嫂 :p
Although I very very love it, we didn't buy them as well because daddy suggested to go to Goldheart @ MV..
Okay lor, Goldheart's are nicer and more suitable for youngest de..
I think 表嫂 will like it de gua..

30.07.09 ; THURSDAY
I dunno why some people was just so stupid and not responsible at all..
How can they burned the rubbish at the behind of the petrol station??
Izzit because they don't afraid of a big explosion??
Didn't they know that if it really explode, many ppl will loss their family de meh??
Such people, better make a self-examination or you can just go and watch the <Burning Flame III>..
Watch clearly and think properly how would you feel if your family members or friends are stuck in the fire!
Since I've mentioned about the <BF III>, I feel that it was not so attractive if compared to <BF II>..

Wao~ This is the very first time I went there..
Mummy said she has almost 10 years didn't go to OUG pasar malam le..
Time passes so fast arh..
Initially yewyew is following too but at last mummy don't allow her to do so cause she's not feeling well..
Nevermind; don't bother about her also..
I'm so full after drinking the bubble milk shake..
Then how am I going to eat other snacks or foods leh??
I mean if I really get to Taiwan..
I must go to 士林夜市 de ma..
It is a big large huge night market wor; a lot of things to eat de..
However, I can't believe that OUG here also has ppl selling the 臺灣雞排 and the 日本章魚燒..
Hooh, a little bit acted like 井底之蛙..
Maybe I haven't seen this before in the pasar malam which nearby my house gua..
They really look delicious but mummy don't let me to buy -_-
Nevermind le; next time I go Taiwan to eat :p
Hmm, there still got a special ice-cream too..
Not the normal type that we usually eat; it was in jelly form de; quite cute and yummy!~
Erm, due to my short-term memory, I can't really think of those things..
So, update ends here la~

Currently ;
> No mood to revise my F7's IAS(s) and frameworks..
(Ms. Santha will ask them tomorrow..)
> No mood to do my audit's h/ws too..
(Due on tuesday..)

PT1 countdown ;
> F7   5days
> F8   8days
> F9   9days
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