Friday, February 13, 2009 - 0 comments

Valentine’s Eve

5SF1 class gathering..
on the eve of valentine's day..
i finally attended 'our' gathering..
since 2007's chinese new year par, i think..
i missed their gathering everytime..
with many different types of excuses..
but this time... i came.. ha~
qiang~ i'm the driver today..
i went and fetch KeanMun at 7-11 at 5.30pm..
den v go oldtown to fetch LiSan and KengOnn..
but KengOnn was not ready yet..
so KeanMun suggested to wait him at the bus stop there..
finally.. all r settled down..
and v start our journey to rnc restaurant..
ha~ this is the first time i reversed my parking in one shoot..
yeng man!~
v r the first to arrive.. at 6pm something..
and den TianXin, Angie and ChenKiat came..
v sat down and chatted a lots..
den v started eating at 6.30pm while waiting for others..
many late comers but still a lots were appearing..
31 of us in total.. and i wasn't in the list of absence for tis time..
i was shocked when i saw ChuanYang and KaFai..
they kept their hair longer..
so i was not accustomed to them..
in fact, i don't like the boys those keep their hair long..
v dismissed at 10.30pm+..
some of them went to oldtown white coffee or pub..
i'm not sure with this.. but nvm..
because i'm not following..
i felt so tired as i only slept for 5 hrs yesterday to prepare my F5..
i reached home at abt 11pm after fetching KeanMun and LiSan back..
dunno when will b the next gathering??
mayb i'll still b attending next round..
who knows..?!~

by jiaying ♥♥..
on 15th of feb ♥♥..
at 06:07pm ♥♥..


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