Friday, February 20, 2009 - 0 comments

fish fish“

i'm so yu today..
during ms. rozi's class..
i didn't do the h/w..
which she gave last week..
den she was calling the one who is in pink to answer..
i was the lucky one who just wearing a pink jacket..
i need to vomit the answers in paragraph form..
but i didn't do it at home!!
i just simply marked down the points she gave just now..
and my english is not good enough..
so i dunno how to answer it in a proper manner..
den she started to talk a lots..
don't b lazy lar..
don't just write the points only even though it's just a class h/w..
and somethings else lar..
my english is tat poor..
i dunno how to 詞句重組 mâ..
and form a nice sentence in such a short period of time..
i think i'm even worst than the china students..
maybe i really need to attend some english classes..
if not, how can i become a pro-accountant in future??!!
and now also i started to blog with english..
tried to use english in any where..

apart from language..
in fact there is another greater problem with me..
i have a phobia to speak or talk to others..
even if i'm ready with the answers..
i still would not be able to answer it properly..
my writing part is still ok..
i can write in the exam..
but the problem is i can't speech..
and don't dare to speak out loud also..
i'm so afraid this kind of situation will happen..
when i'm going to interview for a job..
should i go and see for a psychologists??!!
maybe it's possible for me to chat with he/she..

gt back my F5's pt result yesterday..
i can't imagine that i passed this paper..
this is the worst paper i done b4 for costing..
but i still managed to pass with 54 marks..
ACCA is not that easy to pass through de..
the passing marks are increased to 50 as compared to CAT's 40%..
there are just 30 out of 150 students passed..
luckily i'm one of the 20% students..
that means i would not be barred from the final..
actually i can gt more marks de..
but i misunderstood voonsia's mean..
she told us that graph paper wasn't needed..
so i thought don't need to draw any graph là..
den when i came across the question..
i was confusing whether to draw graph or answer it in theory form..
i gave up this question at last minute because of this..
and due to the lack of time..
i lost the 13 marks easily is just because i trusted ms. voonsia..
one thing that i can't understand is....
y sunway is so kiam siap to provide the graph paper arh??!
didn't they know that it's very difficult to draw graph in the answer booklet?!
and summore i have paid so much of fees to them..

i'm going back to chs later..
to gt back my spm cert. from the office..
den straight away go to college again..
to sit for my english test..
mr. quah said he will test us in mcq..
but dunno why he changed his mind..
amanda said there are 2 essays to write..
and 3 long long passages are given to read and answer..
in two hrs time..
many who attended the test yesterday can't finish..
stupid de..
y sunway's ppl like to change their promise easily arh??!!
my malaysian studies's results..
admin. said it will be coming out next week when i asked them for dunno how many weeks ago..
den i went to ask them again next week after that..
they still gave me the same answer..
next week lar..
it will b coming out as soon as possible de lar..
ok lo..
den we wait until this week lor..
ying hui and i went and asked them again yesterday..
finally they have changed their answer..
:" you all come next week la.. tis week is for drop papers and enrolment only.."
wao.. cool man.. many excuses harh?!!!

at 02:20pm ♥♥..


took my spm cert. ..
and the admin. told me to come back again in 2 yrs time..
to take my 1119's cert. ..
huh?!! :" 2 years??!"
" ya.."
i was like so shocked when i heard this..
and forgot to ask her y?..
or... i got it wrongly??

CSB2 english test..
something like EST..
but the passages given are 3 times more than it..
ie 3 pages for one passage..
and still need to write 2 long essays leh..
i have at least one yr didn't write essays edy..
so, i actually dunno wad am i writing abt..
just simply do..
mr. quah wasn't invigilate us de..
he just did his work at a side there..
so we can discuss the answers actually..
but of course we didn't larh..
i'm so tired now..
tomoro gt F5 class summore..
tired man..

weiyi told me that she gt the handsome guy's add edy..
it used many efforts to gt it wor..
so next time we can go and visit his house..
actually i have never seen him b4..
but weiyi said he is very cute and good-looking wor..
den due to my curiousity..
i also want to see how he looks like lor..

by jiaying ♥♥..
on 20th of feb ♥♥..
at 10:01pm ♥♥..


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