Sunday, February 15, 2009 - 0 comments

Special 2009 Valentine’s Day

woke up at 8am something..
prepared to go one u with Weiyi..
to celebrate our single valentine's day..
originally v planned to ask TianXin to go along with us de..
but she had a ribena event at sunway pyramid..
so only me and Weiyi went there lo..
Weiyi is driving..
i had a stomach-ache while waiting for her to fetch me..
this is the 2nd time from this morning..
dunno wad foods i ate is dirty.. cause me stomach pain..
or maybe i drank a lots of cold orange juice in rnc..
therefore cause my stomach uncomfortable..
haixzz.. i better listen to dr. loi..
don't drink so much of cold beverages edy..
it is not good for my stomach..
Weiyi always laugh when she saw me..
i dunno wad she is laughing abt..
so i thought she was just as usual..
anyway, she is abnormal and unsound mind de..

v reached one u at 11am+..
den v went to queue up for movie tickets..
many ppl r waiting in a queue arh..
so v just standing and moving front and chit-chatting..
but v haven decide which movie to watch yet.. -.-'
Weiyi wanted to watch ghost or horror mv..
but i'm scared.. ok larh.. i admit that i'm a coward!!!
i really scared for those horrible screen..
she said she scared also but still wanna watch..
okay lo.. so v have chosen eden lake to watch..
v thought it was abt ghost at first..
because i saw the poster wrote..
"what would u think if u have a weekend in hell..?"
something like that larh..
can't imagine it is talk abt murder..
i want to vomit when i saw the kids r torturing steve..
just because of steve accidentally killed his dog..

v went to 'gai gai' for awhile after the mv..
it's really awhile.. 15mins+ only..
i met zhan sheng kor kor and his girlfriend..
valentine's day marh..
guys will definitely be shopping with girlfriends de..
after that, v went to chs at 4pm..
tried to get our spm cert..
but unfortunately the office is closed..
so v went back home lor..

i on msn and saw TianXin was there online-i.n.g oso..
den suddenly i have an idea..
which to yao qie hor and yamcha with someone else at night later..
v asked WeiLing but she is not allowed by her mum..
think to ask LiSan but TianXin said her status wasn't same with us..
so in the end just 3 of us~Weiyi, TianXin and me r going..
me~the driver.. went to fetch TianXin with Weiyi at abt 9.30pm..
den v started our adventurous trip to dunno where.. ok ok..
it's important to mention that i KNOW the way but DUNNO where to go..
so Weiyi suggested to follow the cars which r in front of us..
dunno why?! the cars v followed like to go some very strange places..
den gt few of them r driving to the police station i think..
they maybe suspected tat v r following their cars (i)..
and aimed to do something badly..??
actually the (i) is correct but v didn't aimed other things else, ok?!
v r good girls lai de..
and i remembered..
gt one myvi suddenly change his/her way at simpang..
but it's too late for me to turn with it..
and because of this, v r entered into a very remote place..
as TianXin haven has her dinner yet..
so v went to subang from kl and planned to have dinner at asia cafe..
actually is not dinner la; it becomes supper edy..
reached subang but changed our plan to salmon steak..
pity TianXin.. can't eat oso although the food was served..
hers was grabbed by Weiyi~the photographer to take photos..
and this was happened oso when i'm having lunch with her in one u..
chit-chatting.. v had two jokers here.. telling me some funny things..
sat there until almost 12am.. it's too late..
so v went off from salmon steak and sending TianXin back..
one more funny thing was happened during the journey to TianXin's houz..
there is something on my steering wheel..
and the 2 girls thought is perfume but actually is not..
the pro-photographer is taking photos again..
i saw the photos took by her..
and said :" this photo is like a girl smiling at me orh.."..
den suddenly she shouted loudly..
i was scared by her and i followed to shout with her too..
she quickly threw her hp to TianXin and asked her to delete it..
swt la.. wad is the point of shouting huh??! scared me oso..
my first time.. back at 1am+..
mummy was calling me exactly when i reached home..
asking me why still haven come back yet..

thats my romantic single valentine's~~
(used up almost 1 hr to finish this post..)


by jiaying ♥♥..
on 16th of feb ♥♥..
at 10:22pm ♥♥..


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