Friday, February 13, 2009 - 0 comments


i'm almost 虛脫 every time after pt or mock..
body seems to become not belong to me at all..
very very tired!!!
no choice lor..
always do revision at last minute..
wake up at 3 or 4am and start to work hard..
surely will very tired wan la..
plus cause the brain become blur blur de..

me~snoopy's mei mei..
means stupid la..
F6: how can i forgot the husband relief??!!!
i lost 10++ marks for this kind of stupid careless mistake..
is 10++ marks arh!! not half or 1 or 2 marks.. u noe?!!
there was a huge difference btw deducting & not deducting the RM3000..
so 10++ marks r gone..
woooo.. crying.. so sad..

F4: honestly speaking..
i'm only aimed for 20~30 marks..
i think i cant gt 50 & above to pass la..
nvm.. tats not my concerns now..
i'll also drop this paper even though i pass pt1..

F5: wa-liao..
wad kind of question is this??!!
why so difficult de??! huh?!!
voonsia cheated us!!
she said wad questions r not difficult la..
it's just due to our time management la..
so mayb cant finish la.. and whatever la..
but she said the most importance is the difficulty is average de..
liar!!!! hèng!!
i think my F4 is better than F5 now.. swt -.-"

CSB2's timetable is out..
mine is on wed.. 6.30~9.30pm..
so late huh..
why mr. quah is nt my lecturer??
i want mr. quah.. he is a good guy..
dunno can change anot..? his class is on thur and fri..
den if can choose, of course fri is better la..
must go and ask admin. on monday..

monday.. my 'dead'line..
dec08's results wil b coming out..
which will decide whether i'm leaving or staying..
because i'll b back to CAT straight away..
if i failed any of the papers.. (touch wood..)
but den if i passed..
i'm staying safely in ACCA to continue my F papers.. :-)
so i'm start praying now..

later gt gathering at bandar sunway there..
i dunno where is the restaurant..
it is a steamboat buffet or whatever la..
always eat steamboat owrh..
SF1'07 's tradition..
but if talk abt steamboat..
bandar puteri there has one restaurant is quite nice..
its foods and soup were so yummy!~


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