Monday, February 16, 2009 - , , , 0 comments

completed CAT..

dec's results r coming out today..
i'm very nervous before 1pm..
have actually no mood to attend classes..
it's not easy to 捱到 pushpa's lesson..
my head started to pain..
when the time is almost around 1pm..
pushpa gave us a half an hr break..
to settle with our results..
so v went to library and tried to login the comp..
but dunno why.. LiSan and YingHui's 1 can't login to the comp..
i have become more and more nervous because of this..
should b the air-cond is too cold..
and i actually started to shiver..
finally, v logged into CLC comp by using SiewFai's ID..
and v take turns to check our own results..
i'm very very scared when i logged into MyACCA..
but my feelings undergoes a 360° change when i saw my results..
hooray~~~ yes! yes! yes!
i passed!! i really passed all of the papers!!
i'm a CAT graduates now..
no longer just CAT student only liao..
hahahaha~ i'm the butterfly now..
my status has changed from CAT student to ACCA student..
qiang~ qiang~ qiang~
the following is my CAT's examination results and status report..

so so so so x 1000000times happy that i have completed my CAT program..
i'm graduated from CAT now!~~
but i'm quite sad for my T9..
i gt the highest mark for this paper every pt and even mock oso..
but now i'm just getting 69.. such low marks for this paper.. haixzz..
the contrary, i found the T7 is so difficult but i still can gt 70..
hai-yo.. nvm la.. it's all over edy.. sunk cost.. sunk cost..

T1 Recording Financial Transactions (CBE) ~ PASS 80%
T2 Information for Management Control (CBE) ~ PASS 80%

T3 Maintaining Financial Records ~ PASS 89%
T4 Accounting for Costs ~ PASS 86%

T5 Managing People and Systems ~ PASS 50%
T6 Drafting Financial Statements ~ PASS 95%
T7 Planning, Control and Performance Management ~ PASS 70%
T9 Preparing Taxation Computations ~ PASS 69%
T10 Managing Finances ~ PASS 85%
-- CAT course complated --
ACCA/CAT passed finalists:

by jiaying ♥♥..
on 17th of feb ♥♥..
at 12:51pm ♥♥..


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