Thursday, February 26, 2009 - 0 comments


dunno why..??

i can’t fall asleep for these few nights..

i was very very tired..

but just couldn’t sleep..

who can tell me the reasons arh??

why?? why?? why??

tell me why!!

izzit something wrong with me??

i’ve forced myself not to take a nap in the afternoon d..

but i still cannot sleep..

what is going on man??!



oh my godness..

it was raining today..

after finished pushpa’s lesson..

and if i knew it earlier..

i will definitely be wearing sport shoes..

but NOT high heels..

i hate to wear it when rainy days..


super duper uncomfortable!!

super duper annoying me!!
Friday, February 20, 2009 - 0 comments

fish fish“

i'm so yu today..
during ms. rozi's class..
i didn't do the h/w..
which she gave last week..
den she was calling the one who is in pink to answer..
i was the lucky one who just wearing a pink jacket..
i need to vomit the answers in paragraph form..
but i didn't do it at home!!
i just simply marked down the points she gave just now..
and my english is not good enough..
so i dunno how to answer it in a proper manner..
den she started to talk a lots..
don't b lazy lar..
don't just write the points only even though it's just a class h/w..
and somethings else lar..
my english is tat poor..
i dunno how to 詞句重組 mâ..
and form a nice sentence in such a short period of time..
i think i'm even worst than the china students..
maybe i really need to attend some english classes..
if not, how can i become a pro-accountant in future??!!
and now also i started to blog with english..
tried to use english in any where..

apart from language..
in fact there is another greater problem with me..
i have a phobia to speak or talk to others..
even if i'm ready with the answers..
i still would not be able to answer it properly..
my writing part is still ok..
i can write in the exam..
but the problem is i can't speech..
and don't dare to speak out loud also..
i'm so afraid this kind of situation will happen..
when i'm going to interview for a job..
should i go and see for a psychologists??!!
maybe it's possible for me to chat with he/she..

gt back my F5's pt result yesterday..
i can't imagine that i passed this paper..
this is the worst paper i done b4 for costing..
but i still managed to pass with 54 marks..
ACCA is not that easy to pass through de..
the passing marks are increased to 50 as compared to CAT's 40%..
there are just 30 out of 150 students passed..
luckily i'm one of the 20% students..
that means i would not be barred from the final..
actually i can gt more marks de..
but i misunderstood voonsia's mean..
she told us that graph paper wasn't needed..
so i thought don't need to draw any graph là..
den when i came across the question..
i was confusing whether to draw graph or answer it in theory form..
i gave up this question at last minute because of this..
and due to the lack of time..
i lost the 13 marks easily is just because i trusted ms. voonsia..
one thing that i can't understand is....
y sunway is so kiam siap to provide the graph paper arh??!
didn't they know that it's very difficult to draw graph in the answer booklet?!
and summore i have paid so much of fees to them..

i'm going back to chs later..
to gt back my spm cert. from the office..
den straight away go to college again..
to sit for my english test..
mr. quah said he will test us in mcq..
but dunno why he changed his mind..
amanda said there are 2 essays to write..
and 3 long long passages are given to read and answer..
in two hrs time..
many who attended the test yesterday can't finish..
stupid de..
y sunway's ppl like to change their promise easily arh??!!
my malaysian studies's results..
admin. said it will be coming out next week when i asked them for dunno how many weeks ago..
den i went to ask them again next week after that..
they still gave me the same answer..
next week lar..
it will b coming out as soon as possible de lar..
ok lo..
den we wait until this week lor..
ying hui and i went and asked them again yesterday..
finally they have changed their answer..
:" you all come next week la.. tis week is for drop papers and enrolment only.."
wao.. cool man.. many excuses harh?!!!

at 02:20pm ♥♥..


took my spm cert. ..
and the admin. told me to come back again in 2 yrs time..
to take my 1119's cert. ..
huh?!! :" 2 years??!"
" ya.."
i was like so shocked when i heard this..
and forgot to ask her y?..
or... i got it wrongly??

CSB2 english test..
something like EST..
but the passages given are 3 times more than it..
ie 3 pages for one passage..
and still need to write 2 long essays leh..
i have at least one yr didn't write essays edy..
so, i actually dunno wad am i writing abt..
just simply do..
mr. quah wasn't invigilate us de..
he just did his work at a side there..
so we can discuss the answers actually..
but of course we didn't larh..
i'm so tired now..
tomoro gt F5 class summore..
tired man..

weiyi told me that she gt the handsome guy's add edy..
it used many efforts to gt it wor..
so next time we can go and visit his house..
actually i have never seen him b4..
but weiyi said he is very cute and good-looking wor..
den due to my curiousity..
i also want to see how he looks like lor..

by jiaying ♥♥..
on 20th of feb ♥♥..
at 10:01pm ♥♥..
Monday, February 16, 2009 - , , , 0 comments

completed CAT..

dec's results r coming out today..
i'm very nervous before 1pm..
have actually no mood to attend classes..
it's not easy to 捱到 pushpa's lesson..
my head started to pain..
when the time is almost around 1pm..
pushpa gave us a half an hr break..
to settle with our results..
so v went to library and tried to login the comp..
but dunno why.. LiSan and YingHui's 1 can't login to the comp..
i have become more and more nervous because of this..
should b the air-cond is too cold..
and i actually started to shiver..
finally, v logged into CLC comp by using SiewFai's ID..
and v take turns to check our own results..
i'm very very scared when i logged into MyACCA..
but my feelings undergoes a 360° change when i saw my results..
hooray~~~ yes! yes! yes!
i passed!! i really passed all of the papers!!
i'm a CAT graduates now..
no longer just CAT student only liao..
hahahaha~ i'm the butterfly now..
my status has changed from CAT student to ACCA student..
qiang~ qiang~ qiang~
the following is my CAT's examination results and status report..

so so so so x 1000000times happy that i have completed my CAT program..
i'm graduated from CAT now!~~
but i'm quite sad for my T9..
i gt the highest mark for this paper every pt and even mock oso..
but now i'm just getting 69.. such low marks for this paper.. haixzz..
the contrary, i found the T7 is so difficult but i still can gt 70..
hai-yo.. nvm la.. it's all over edy.. sunk cost.. sunk cost..

T1 Recording Financial Transactions (CBE) ~ PASS 80%
T2 Information for Management Control (CBE) ~ PASS 80%

T3 Maintaining Financial Records ~ PASS 89%
T4 Accounting for Costs ~ PASS 86%

T5 Managing People and Systems ~ PASS 50%
T6 Drafting Financial Statements ~ PASS 95%
T7 Planning, Control and Performance Management ~ PASS 70%
T9 Preparing Taxation Computations ~ PASS 69%
T10 Managing Finances ~ PASS 85%
-- CAT course complated --
ACCA/CAT passed finalists:

by jiaying ♥♥..
on 17th of feb ♥♥..
at 12:51pm ♥♥..
Sunday, February 15, 2009 - 0 comments

Special 2009 Valentine’s Day

woke up at 8am something..
prepared to go one u with Weiyi..
to celebrate our single valentine's day..
originally v planned to ask TianXin to go along with us de..
but she had a ribena event at sunway pyramid..
so only me and Weiyi went there lo..
Weiyi is driving..
i had a stomach-ache while waiting for her to fetch me..
this is the 2nd time from this morning..
dunno wad foods i ate is dirty.. cause me stomach pain..
or maybe i drank a lots of cold orange juice in rnc..
therefore cause my stomach uncomfortable..
haixzz.. i better listen to dr. loi..
don't drink so much of cold beverages edy..
it is not good for my stomach..
Weiyi always laugh when she saw me..
i dunno wad she is laughing abt..
so i thought she was just as usual..
anyway, she is abnormal and unsound mind de..

v reached one u at 11am+..
den v went to queue up for movie tickets..
many ppl r waiting in a queue arh..
so v just standing and moving front and chit-chatting..
but v haven decide which movie to watch yet.. -.-'
Weiyi wanted to watch ghost or horror mv..
but i'm scared.. ok larh.. i admit that i'm a coward!!!
i really scared for those horrible screen..
she said she scared also but still wanna watch..
okay lo.. so v have chosen eden lake to watch..
v thought it was abt ghost at first..
because i saw the poster wrote..
"what would u think if u have a weekend in hell..?"
something like that larh..
can't imagine it is talk abt murder..
i want to vomit when i saw the kids r torturing steve..
just because of steve accidentally killed his dog..

v went to 'gai gai' for awhile after the mv..
it's really awhile.. 15mins+ only..
i met zhan sheng kor kor and his girlfriend..
valentine's day marh..
guys will definitely be shopping with girlfriends de..
after that, v went to chs at 4pm..
tried to get our spm cert..
but unfortunately the office is closed..
so v went back home lor..

i on msn and saw TianXin was there online-i.n.g oso..
den suddenly i have an idea..
which to yao qie hor and yamcha with someone else at night later..
v asked WeiLing but she is not allowed by her mum..
think to ask LiSan but TianXin said her status wasn't same with us..
so in the end just 3 of us~Weiyi, TianXin and me r going..
me~the driver.. went to fetch TianXin with Weiyi at abt 9.30pm..
den v started our adventurous trip to dunno where.. ok ok..
it's important to mention that i KNOW the way but DUNNO where to go..
so Weiyi suggested to follow the cars which r in front of us..
dunno why?! the cars v followed like to go some very strange places..
den gt few of them r driving to the police station i think..
they maybe suspected tat v r following their cars (i)..
and aimed to do something badly..??
actually the (i) is correct but v didn't aimed other things else, ok?!
v r good girls lai de..
and i remembered..
gt one myvi suddenly change his/her way at simpang..
but it's too late for me to turn with it..
and because of this, v r entered into a very remote place..
as TianXin haven has her dinner yet..
so v went to subang from kl and planned to have dinner at asia cafe..
actually is not dinner la; it becomes supper edy..
reached subang but changed our plan to salmon steak..
pity TianXin.. can't eat oso although the food was served..
hers was grabbed by Weiyi~the photographer to take photos..
and this was happened oso when i'm having lunch with her in one u..
chit-chatting.. v had two jokers here.. telling me some funny things..
sat there until almost 12am.. it's too late..
so v went off from salmon steak and sending TianXin back..
one more funny thing was happened during the journey to TianXin's houz..
there is something on my steering wheel..
and the 2 girls thought is perfume but actually is not..
the pro-photographer is taking photos again..
i saw the photos took by her..
and said :" this photo is like a girl smiling at me orh.."..
den suddenly she shouted loudly..
i was scared by her and i followed to shout with her too..
she quickly threw her hp to TianXin and asked her to delete it..
swt la.. wad is the point of shouting huh??! scared me oso..
my first time.. back at 1am+..
mummy was calling me exactly when i reached home..
asking me why still haven come back yet..

thats my romantic single valentine's~~
(used up almost 1 hr to finish this post..)


by jiaying ♥♥..
on 16th of feb ♥♥..
at 10:22pm ♥♥..

Friday, February 13, 2009 - 0 comments

Valentine’s Eve

5SF1 class gathering..
on the eve of valentine's day..
i finally attended 'our' gathering..
since 2007's chinese new year par, i think..
i missed their gathering everytime..
with many different types of excuses..
but this time... i came.. ha~
qiang~ i'm the driver today..
i went and fetch KeanMun at 7-11 at 5.30pm..
den v go oldtown to fetch LiSan and KengOnn..
but KengOnn was not ready yet..
so KeanMun suggested to wait him at the bus stop there..
finally.. all r settled down..
and v start our journey to rnc restaurant..
ha~ this is the first time i reversed my parking in one shoot..
yeng man!~
v r the first to arrive.. at 6pm something..
and den TianXin, Angie and ChenKiat came..
v sat down and chatted a lots..
den v started eating at 6.30pm while waiting for others..
many late comers but still a lots were appearing..
31 of us in total.. and i wasn't in the list of absence for tis time..
i was shocked when i saw ChuanYang and KaFai..
they kept their hair longer..
so i was not accustomed to them..
in fact, i don't like the boys those keep their hair long..
v dismissed at 10.30pm+..
some of them went to oldtown white coffee or pub..
i'm not sure with this.. but nvm..
because i'm not following..
i felt so tired as i only slept for 5 hrs yesterday to prepare my F5..
i reached home at abt 11pm after fetching KeanMun and LiSan back..
dunno when will b the next gathering??
mayb i'll still b attending next round..
who knows..?!~

by jiaying ♥♥..
on 15th of feb ♥♥..
at 06:07pm ♥♥..



i'm almost 虛脫 every time after pt or mock..
body seems to become not belong to me at all..
very very tired!!!
no choice lor..
always do revision at last minute..
wake up at 3 or 4am and start to work hard..
surely will very tired wan la..
plus cause the brain become blur blur de..

me~snoopy's mei mei..
means stupid la..
F6: how can i forgot the husband relief??!!!
i lost 10++ marks for this kind of stupid careless mistake..
is 10++ marks arh!! not half or 1 or 2 marks.. u noe?!!
there was a huge difference btw deducting & not deducting the RM3000..
so 10++ marks r gone..
woooo.. crying.. so sad..

F4: honestly speaking..
i'm only aimed for 20~30 marks..
i think i cant gt 50 & above to pass la..
nvm.. tats not my concerns now..
i'll also drop this paper even though i pass pt1..

F5: wa-liao..
wad kind of question is this??!!
why so difficult de??! huh?!!
voonsia cheated us!!
she said wad questions r not difficult la..
it's just due to our time management la..
so mayb cant finish la.. and whatever la..
but she said the most importance is the difficulty is average de..
liar!!!! hèng!!
i think my F4 is better than F5 now.. swt -.-"

CSB2's timetable is out..
mine is on wed.. 6.30~9.30pm..
so late huh..
why mr. quah is nt my lecturer??
i want mr. quah.. he is a good guy..
dunno can change anot..? his class is on thur and fri..
den if can choose, of course fri is better la..
must go and ask admin. on monday..

monday.. my 'dead'line..
dec08's results wil b coming out..
which will decide whether i'm leaving or staying..
because i'll b back to CAT straight away..
if i failed any of the papers.. (touch wood..)
but den if i passed..
i'm staying safely in ACCA to continue my F papers.. :-)
so i'm start praying now..

later gt gathering at bandar sunway there..
i dunno where is the restaurant..
it is a steamboat buffet or whatever la..
always eat steamboat owrh..
SF1'07 's tradition..
but if talk abt steamboat..
bandar puteri there has one restaurant is quite nice..
its foods and soup were so yummy!~
Wednesday, February 11, 2009 - 0 comments

hard decision..

i’m going to drop my F4~law paper for tis sem..
after next monday la..
and the premise is i passed my CAT..
law paper is just like sejarah..
it is a killer (to me la..)..
i understand bt i CANT memorize..
this is the main problem..
so much of cases law & sections..
wa-lao-ei.. worse than T5..
and i always fall asleep when pushpa started lecturing..
i think i most probably absorbed 30~40% per lesson instead of 100%..
i’m just wasting my time sitting in class and do nth..
it is same as last time~my T8 paper..
i tried to concentrate but i cant..
i’m not interested in law at all..
although i always said drop this or postpone tat and sounds like joking..
actually it is quite hard for me to do this decision..
because i scared i will b slower than others half a year late..
but finally i choosed to do so after chatting with my dad..
he told me a lot of stories and his own experiences..
i cry some more when i talking to him just now..
because everyone is talking and aiming to graduate in 3-yrs-time..
i’m so stress because i don’t think i can handle it..
he said tats my future!!
tat is my road but not others!!
y should i care abt others and their ideas??
as long as i feel tat the choice i choosed is right, den just go ahead la..
do whatever i feel it is comfortable..
time is not a serious concern..
i can also graduate at btw age 21~22 wad..
it is earlier also as compared to those taking other courses..
ya.. i absorbed whatever he said and thus making this decision..
but what i need to mention is i wont give up law..
i will b back and fight with u with my 100% concentration next sem..
as i now only taking 2 papers per sem instead of 3..
and i think i also can put more effort in the latest papers especially audit..

sounds better and relaxed now..
i’ll still attend 2moro’s F4 exam..
so G1′s classmates, v work hard together la..
but in the ends, marks for F4 is not my concerns anymore..
my now focus is on F5 and F6..
i need to score in these 2 papers!!!


i dunno whether should i change my mind now arh??
still haven gt back my F4 and F6 results..
nvm la..
v can don’t sign up for the exam at last..
so just attend the classes and decide later lo..
Saturday, February 7, 2009 - 0 comments

hair cut..

i went to bed at around 9pm++ yesterday..
originally i was intended to get up on 3am to 'fight' with F4~law de..
who knows i 睡得迷迷糊糊的..
finally woke up at 10am..
really bad!! PT1 wil begin on next tuesday..
bt i haven start touching any of the notes yet.. 真懒!!
after bathing, i follow the original plan..
to have my hair cut at miko salon located at bandar puteri puchong..
it's quite early.. so, no one is having hair cut inside..
i'm the first again..
有一个男生就帮我洗头.. 洗着的当儿就开始聊天..
他问我: "开学了, 对不对?"
我就点点头咯: "en.."
"huh?! 我上college第二年了啦~"
"huh?! 我还以为你是中学生呢.."
"我昨天才去玩过.. 很好玩.."
"huh?! 好玩?! college有什么好玩的??"
"哈哈哈~ sunway lagoon 啦~"
年头的时候, 爹地的朋友更好笑..
她问我: "你今年14岁还是15啊?"
还有啊, 新年的时候, 妈咪的朋友来拜年,
: "小妹妹来, 红包给你.."
妈咪跟爹地整个笑翻.. 小妹妹?!!
无所谓啦.. 年轻点好..
洗完头, 发型师edison就开始帮我剪啦..
怎知道剪下、剪下.. 聊下、聊下..
: "其实我想剪像hebe这样子的.. 可是我怕我不适合.. 剪出来会很好笑.."
"不会啦.. 我可以帮你修修.."
"恩.. 不过我帮你剪比hebe短一点点的.. 要配脸型.."
"ok.. hebe最新的发型wor?!"
"恩.. 金褐色的麻.. 过年时去唱K看过.. 是那个吧?"
"对呀~ 对呀~"
说真的, 我还蛮满意这里的..
真得很耐耶!~ 到现在都很直.. 除了前面长出来有点卷之外啦..
嘻嘻.. 成果出来.. erm.. 我觉得有点好笑..
可能我还看不习惯吧.. 总觉得自己有点像小呆瓜.. 笨笨的..
弟no comment..
妹说好可爱哦... 的冬菇头.. =.='

锵锵锵锵.. 飘去攻F4了..
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