Wednesday, March 3, 2010 - 0 comments

WTH (!@#$%^&*)

Totally messed-up for today.
Everything was turned topsy-turvy because of her~~stupid and crazy Ms.Kiran.
Oops... Shouldn't be scolding her crazy because I'm the one who actually got mad!

Original timetable for F8 today was only till 2.45pm and I'm supposed to have few hours in between to get back home and take a rest before attending my P2 class at night but due to Ms.Kiran, everything goes far beyond my control and expectation.
Some more the worst thing is my P2's notes were not with me too. How am I going for P2 class without bringing the notes leh?! I think Ms.Menon will be the first one who kill me :(

I need to rush back home to get my notes at 5.35pm[finally willing to release us!!] and rush back again to college and pass the car to my brotha at six something.
Hoorr... 5.30pm~peak period for traffic jam!
I was keep punching my steering while I'm waiting for those traffic lights to turn green. I knew that I'm so rude la... I'm so sorry for that anyway @` I just cannot control myself.

I was so tired and 喘不過氣來 after rushing like a tanjong rambutan people -.-
Haiz.. BAD DAY!


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