Monday, March 8, 2010 - 0 comments


Someone always loves to say something which I don't like to hear or it will be so annoying..
I rEaLlY ReAlLy hate this type of people!!
He won't care about your feelings anyway or should I say that he's totally NO BRAIN at all!!
I dunno why he always want to do something or say something which is so irritating lo?!
Makes everyone dislike him will be better meh?!
See la... If he is not my 長輩, I surely will hit, kick, punch, bite, scold & slap him!! *ANGRY-I.N.G*


Currently been busy doing my P3 homework which given by Mr.Dinesh this morning..

It's literally only half-way done and I actually don't have the motivation to continue with it anyway..
Its there... The answers have all been discussed by D but I'm just so lazy to write it out in the essay form..
Haiz.... Homework was due by tomorrow.... I think I should better come out with some good excuses if he's really collecting the homework tomorrow.... or else just get scolded by him lo; although it might be quite embarrassing lah :(


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