Sunday, March 14, 2010 - 0 comments

ホワイトデー *White Day*

Today might be the 'best' Sunday I've ever had.
Having P2 exam in the morning and then still need to continue with P2 class until 7pm.
WTH man?!
Miss Menon, I beg you: Please don't always get sick on Saturday can or not?!
It's really frustrating to have exams and classes on Sunday(for me la..)!!


Just reached home at 9.11pm after the dinner.
Did all things include bathing is almost ten pm already.
Where got time to study orh??!
So, I'll be skipping P3's PT2 as I don't have enough time to finish my revision.
Erm, actually I have finished but I'm just left with the memorizing part of the frameworks.
I'm quite lazy now and really don't have the mood to absorb those weird things -.-
[Overall this is just an excuse for me to ponteng exam!]

Happy White Valentine's Day 2010 ♥


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