Tuesday, June 2, 2009 - , , 0 comments

screaming so loud ; LOL

i am so sad that i can't go for the promo tour in penang nor johor!!
arron looks so cute when he is wearing the short pants..
and my superman~wuchun; i miss him so much..
i saw so many 'boy boy' attending the qiän chàng huì..
dunno whether they are accompanying their girlfriends leh??
or they really like Fahrenheit?!
superman said he is waiting for a suitable script and character now..
and maybe will shoot for them (ôu xiàng jù) next year..
maybe can shoot with ella orh..
after ella has finished her <just wanna depend on you> la.. (:

finished F6 & F4 edy..
F6 @ taxation(mys):
overall were still okay..
but i dun think i can score lor.. ):
F4 @ corporate and business law(mys):
i think i won't pass de..
so, i'm preparing to see ms. pushpa again next sem or next2 sem; either one la..
or maybe there will be a miracle on next two months(my results' day) leh??
who knows?? (ans: god~)
i was just felt so sorry to my dad..
because he is the one who supporting or sponsoring me with the money..
but i have wasted it easily )x
this exam might be my first time sitting in the first row there..
there was a few invigilators(ladies) always jî jî zhâm in front of me during the exam..
i was feel like wanna ask them to shut up.. byk bising lo..
and i found that someone was absent from the exam today..
i really doesn't understand,
why they have been paid 61pounds for the paper but then they didn't come for the exam leh??

now only left F5 @ performance management..
gambateh arh, yew jia ying!!

mummy was not feeling well..
so yew, granmma and i accompany her to ampang feel like seeing a tabib there..
we went there from sri petaling..
stuck in the traffic jam and passed by all kampung roads..
we mí lù le because no one of us know the direction..
and used up almost 1+hrs to reach there..
suay man..
the tabib didn't open/work today..
he/she was taking a rest on saturday night now..
stupid de.. waste my time~~3hrs leh..
time gone like nth at all..

woke up in the early morning..
after dím sùm, i fetched mummy to ampang again..
but this time we used the highway from kl de..
just paid rm1.50 for toll and we reached in 15+mins..
and the important thing is i can recognize the road ma..
what is the point of wasting time by using the way that we didn't knew abt it leh??!
15mins compared to 1hr; which is more worth it??
night; fetched whole family with mum's car to pavilion to collect her trousers..
i hampir langar other ppl because of those brainless ppl..
they all crossed the road by not looking to the traffic lights de wor..
summore they still crossed slowly leh..
geram orh!!
" PLZ dun aimed for my car if you really wanna die; go further la.. okay?!! "
kée siào...
then go kuchai lama to dá bào kfc..
long time didn't eat fast food edy..
i miss mc. donald x)

okay, done with this..
it's time to watch <black and white> now..
summore plus the <knock knock loving you>  *.^


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