Sunday, May 24, 2009 - 0 comments

such a restful sunday..

sunday, quite a restful day since i have decided not to touch any of the notes or books yesterday.. hee.. lazy fellow, right?! i am becoming crazy and mad these days; kee siao liao lah!!

wao~ excited man.. my first time tried to drive my dad's car.. we went to top-up the touch n go first before we went to KLCC because they always felt so tired after shopping and lazy to go shah alam again.. daddy was the one who driving initially but he asked me wanna try his car mou while waiting for mum and brotha.. okay lor.. just try.. aza aza fighting!! haha~ my mum was frightened by us when she saw the driver has changed.. can't imagine; my speed is around 120~140km/h but the car was still quite stable.. my mum sat behind there and 'scream'; asked me to slow down.. hee (: i tried the speed~120km/h before with my car and i felt that i am almost flying because the car wasn't stable.. okay.. as i know, my car's**120km/h not equals to his car's**120km/h.. his speed is more powerful than mine; no wonder mummy has been 緊緊抓著那個手扶靶 along the journey til KLCC :P

qiang qiang qiang~ brotha, yew and i went to watch "monsters vs aliens(3D)".. actually i wanna shopping de.. but the stupid yew said she don't want to watch movie too if i'm not watching.. okay lor.. by the way, i didn't watch movie in KLCC's cinema before and summore a 3D movie.. OhMyGod! i'm not feeling well after watching it; faints + wanna vomit.. kesian nya..

after movie, we joined daddy mummy and have our lunch at madam kwan.. then, i went into kinokuniya to search for a book named "the memory keeper's daughter".. unfortunately i can't find it but i found "fahrenheit's 寫真集 @ japan".. woo.. 58 bucks; no money; didn't buy ): okay, it's time to go back home since everyone was tired edy..

night, went asia café to have dinner.. foods not bad.. i love the 鍋貼 sooooo mucchhh!~~


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