Sunday, May 10, 2009 - 0 comments

good FRIDAY? o.O

hmm, a good friday? (:

in the early morning, yew, that bad girl said she is so hungry and pull me up -.- OhMyGod it was only 8 something?! erm.. actually i woke up at 7+a.m. but just love to lay on the bed and lazy to get up x) hee..

ok lorh.. i bring yew went out with my lovely car and searched for foods since my mum wasn't around and no one is going to prepare the breakfast.. oh, the naughty girl, skipped school.. hahaa.. sports day was held by chs that day.. and my mum asked yew better don't go because the weather is damn hot.. so, she got the reason to ponteng sekolah la..

we went pj.. but i'm not familiar with the pj roads.. so, i was stuck in the house areas and can't find the way out.. stupid de.. i went there with yew before to search for someone and i was facing the same problems too last time.. dammit.. i sweared that i won't drive there(pj) again next time!!

after breakfast, we went back home to take a bath and off to OneUtama.. i've promised that bad girl to bring her out since many weeks ago but i always ffj.. ok.. that's finally a chance.. first, we went to book a K room.. oh, thanks god.. less ppl were lining up there.. no need to waste time lor.. then, we went for a movie~ "threads of destiny".. it was late so we rushed there and forgot to buy pop-corns!! who knows, the movie still haven start yet when we were in the cinema -.- there was only 5 girls nia including us + one couple + a guy in the room, erm.... 8 persons?! so few.. OhMyGod, the most scary thing is, the seat which i was sitting, is the seat that i sat on when i watched "coming soon".. -.- OHMYGODDD!

the movie started.. bla bla bla MOVIE-I.N.G. .. anyway, it is a nice movie but a bit sienz (:

after movie, it's SING K TIME! yay hoo~ the worker lead us to a Big Big room.. wow, better than last time i came with weiyi, they only gave us a small room -.- okay SING SING SING! we were so high! first time standing on the sofa and screaming like nobody business.. LaughOutLoud! we sang 200++ songs bah, i think.. WE ARE SO PRO MAN! wheeee.. and of course, as a S.H.E's super fans, i definitely clicked all their songs to sing.. but unfortunately, no much time left, so, i just sang half of it each and clicked next.. >.< i sang a lot of english songs this time.. (: 50% for chinese and 50% for english, i think.. all demanded by yewyew.. and we sang one or two cantonese songs.. but.... it was so funny and entertaining because of my 咬字不清.. swt -.-' hai-yo, i won't sing it anymore next time.. ^^ heehee.. this time i'm very pleased that we didn't clicked for the vocal for every songs except for those which is rock.. and i helped yew to 和聲.. awesome~ especially for <TiAmo>.. hahaha~ (:

then, time to go back home.. OhMyGod, traffic jam.. we stuck in the jam for almost one and a half hr.. oh, my leg!!


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