went pyramid to watch 17 again on monday..
nice movie man!~
it's quite funny and Zac Efron is so handsome ^^
i think he is an amazing actor who makes this movie better..
especially i like the scene that Mark slapped by a whole bunch of girls and his best friend..
yeng man~
anyway, this is an excellent movie :)
almost 7pm, daddy suddenly called me and asked me to bring his spare car key for him..
because he left it inside the car..
actually he can still open the door with his handphone de but he has forgotten the procedure..
so, he asked me to take taxi with yewyew wor..
because he scared i dunno how to drive during the after work period; traffic jam + too many cars edy..
haizz.. they always "tái suì" me!!
and of course i'm not wasting my 10+ bucks for taking taxi..
so, i'm still driving there (:
it was quite jam but still okay..
yewyew was sitting beside me and memorizing her literature for exam~Dr.Jekyll and Mr.Hyde..
wow~ cool man.. i can still remember the plot of the story since 4years have been passed..
then, 9pm something, followed to fetch brotha after his tuition because i like to "yâo qie hór"..
他一上車就講:" 爸, 你很失敗耶!"
爸:" huh?? 什麽??"
actually i'm quite confusing with his words..
why 'left car key inside the car = 失敗' leh??
so, i said:" 爸, 不用緊, 你還是很成功, 因爲你有一個會駕車的女兒.. " ;)
i'm lazy to online these few days..
hmm, actually i did online too but not using my laptop or yew's computer..
i felt very sienz while i'm online-ing..
dunno la.. it's just like i've been given a lot of time staying in front of the computer; then felt so sienz..
but if there are just only few hours after class to online; i maybe will so exciting..
人啊, 真是奇怪!!~
now, i love browsing the website with my phone; easier and faster..
just like now, i'm watching <healing hands 3> in the living room..
and i'm blogging with my phone too at the same moment..
of course keypad of computer will be more comfortable to type..
but the phone's was not bad too..
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