Monday, December 29, 2008 - 0 comments

genting trip~

this post should b updated last week ago..
bt i'm very very tired tat few days..
and no mood to write long post..
so update now lor..

gt back from genting..
a 2-days-1-night trip (22~23 Dec 08)..
organized by SiewFai and his gang..
Jensen, ChunMun and YewChin..
while for the girls,
v had WeiLing, TianXin, LiSan and me.. :-)

i reached kl sentral at around 8am..
and met others at McD..
then v went to buy the bus tickets to genting..
bt unfortunately,
tickets for morning sessions were out of stock..
and need to wait til 1pm for the next turn..
so v decided to rush to gombak by LRT to buy tickets for 12pm..
the earliest departure time to genting..

v reached skyway at around 1pm(if nt mistaken)..
there was so many ppl lining up..
max 8 ppl in one cable car..
gyam gyam enough for us..
the boys were so excited..
and keep on shouting "welcome to genting" all the way..
swt -.-"

15~30mins later,
v reached genting..
then v were seeking around to find the way to first world..
bcauz the boys were keep on leading us with the wrong way..

i wanna faint when i saw so many ppl..
at the lobby waiting to check in..
bcauz v have to wait quite long b4 it's our turn..
so v decided to play some outdoor games 1st..
playing for almost an hour ba..
den v went bac to the lobby n wait again..
playing cards to relief of boredom..
wait til 5pm++..
v finally gt the room keys n can enter into the rooms..

v went to theme park again after dinner..
played corkscrew、go-kart、umbrella n else la..
v oso went to play some indoor games after 10pm++..
roller coaster..
is nt scary..
so i dun know what am i shouting abt..
creating some 气氛 ba..
bumper car..
it's quite hard to control..
bumped others all the way..
bumped til i headache..

dun think tats the end..
v continued playing cards in boys' room til 4am..
SiewFai drunk..
his face was like so red..
i would like to 'pinch' his face(if can)..

v went bac to our room..
n gt ready to sleep..
i was so tired bt i cant fall asleep..
i couldnt sleep well the whole night..
mayb is nt my own bed..
n my pillow is nt with me..

next day..
checked out from hotel..
took cable car n den change to bus..
the bus driver kesiao de..
drove so fast..

gt off at gombak..
den v took LRT to our destination..
everyone's is nt the same..
me n LiSan alight at stesen taman jaya..
mummy was waitng there d..
reached home at dun know what time..
took a 'nap' til 8pm after bathing..
i'm so TIRED!

it's an ADVENTUROUS trip to genting..
said by TianXin..
(of course.. i've the same opinion with her..)



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