Wednesday, December 1, 2010 - 0 comments

Goodbye November, & welcome December! xD

Christmas is coming lo; 叮叮噹 叮叮噹 鈴聲多響亮.. Its time to sing Christmas songs. ^^

First day of December; the last month of the year 2010.
Woke up at five o'clock in the morning 'cause needa send Baba to Uncle AA's house.
Both of them are flying to Guang Zhou for business and staying in there for a week :'(

Meimei's sleepy, still havent awake yet. She cant even open her eyes. Haha

Im doing face exercises. ;p

Acting cute la, actually. Lol
Argh, another three more red pimples popping up on my left cheek!
Im getting mad I tell you. Its already a lot on my forehead, and now still wanna “侵佔” my cheek huh?! Go die bah**

Im gonna miss daddy a lot. ;)

Then went Bukit Jalil park to jog.
I was the one who really J-O-G-G-I-N-G but mama and meimei were only slow-walking. Swt**
p\s: 'Cause Im also the only one who craving for slimming down.

After that, headed to OUG for breakfast and bought some vege from pasar and dapao breakfast for brother and his girlfriend ~~Eva.
She's coming to our house everyday to study till the day the exam starts.
She's a vegetarian, so no nasi lemak for her.

Home sweet home -> took a bath -> fetch mama to oldtown to pick up the pineapples that she has ordered -> home sweet home again -> few hours nap -> no lunch, only high tea time 'cause I only woke up at two thirty -> revision time -> dinner -> blogging.

OMG, I really looked like an Indian aunty. -.-' (No offence.)

Today's study look. All in blue. ;)
Wearing light blue tee, blue jeans, using blue scarf, blue hair tie and sitting on a blue chair.
Hmmm.. except wearing a pair of pink hello kitty slippers? Lol
And I think Im going to paint my nails with light shiny blue after the stupid exams.
Perfectly blue lover**

Dunno why, I suddenly feel like wanna play squash sooooooooo much.
Needa look for squash court after exams. If not, badminton also can de, can play at my primary school. :)
Okay la, gotta run, once again...

Bye-bye November and hello December! :D


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