Monday, December 6, 2010 - , 0 comments

Exam phobia ~~考試恐懼症?

原本昨天以前我都還好好的說, 不知道爲什麽今天一打開書本想要溫習時, 整個人就開始不舒服來着。

頭腦脹脹的; 眼皮很重﹑很想睡 ( 我明明睡很多了啊 ); 胸口很悶﹑很想嘔; 整個人感覺上快昏過去了。。。

No matter I will pass or fail in the finals; I will know how to do or dont know how to answer the questions, I just want these two weeks to be went by faster. I really cant stand it anymore! I am so S.T.R.E.S.S.E.D. !


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