Sunday, November 21, 2010 - 0 comments

Im tired but I feel satisfied!

Dined at Chilli Padi Restaurant, which is located at Kuchai Lama, with family after my working hours.

Shh.. Today I cabut earlier, supposed be working until 8pm but I already closed my counter at 7pm. Sorry boss, just in case you see this. ;) But I know you wont. Haha
I hate my bosses! Always come to spot check, especially the stupid woman, she always pops out suddenly; the guy is nicer, only came once on Friday. Luckily I didnt get any complaints from them. ^^

And and I met Mr. Micheal and his wife today!
I saw him trying Mon's french fries and yau char kuey so I went in front of him and said hello to him.
He shocked for awhile but then he said he still able to recognize me after I have removed my cap, I dunno whether its true or not la ;p
But definitely he remembered Jessie and he knew about Asfar 'cause got spies around him. Lol

I really feel so satisfied since I started to work on Friday.
I can speak English, Cantonese, Mandarin and Hokkien. Sorry, my Malay is totally cannot ;)
And my Korean also not dim. Met a Korean family, we were like 雞同鴨講! But at least I knew to say Annyong(byebye) to them. Lol I learnt it from Gumiho ~~cute Mina onnie ^^
At first I really thought I will be “ hao zat zat ” when speaking English or Cantonese, but god bless me Im still alright with it :)
Feel lagi satisfied after chatting with Mr. Micheal! If for the old Ah Ying, she will definitely not dare to go in front of Mr. Micheal and talk to him.
But now, for the chang-I.N.G Ah Ying, she totally forgot that actually Micheal knows Chinese. It shocked me when he suddenly used Mandarin to talk to me. Haha never mind, after that we still used English to chat. I think I didnt use any broken English bah?!

“ Improving everyday is a good thing to look forward! ” -- My quote to share.

Mine ~ Chicken Chop Burger in “Macau” Style  RM 6.90

It tastes good actually but the only thing I dislike is that they put too much of mayonnaise.
Its a bit too creamy which I totally dont like it, maybe next time can put lesser okay?

Drinks ~ Chocolate Milk  RM7.50
Its even expensive than my meal and its actually not nice!

Mei's sizzling chicken chop. Its nice too.
I thought of ordering a set of beef steak but its expensive, like around 40 bucks, I think.

Am I yawning or laughing? I forgot** Lol

Sheung Gi oppa had finished his concert already. Im waiting for the video but dunno what's wrong with tieba, cant even load me the page! Geram**
New banner again! :)
I love her blue tails sooooooooo much! Must support <My Girlfriend is a Gumiho>! Nice drama

Gotta start my revision for finals tomorrow, so better sleep early and wake up early too. Tata.


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