Thursday, September 2, 2010 - , 0 comments

Watashi wa Jiaying des! xD

Went for a hair cut plus rebonding on last Friday, and now, I looked like a Japanese girl -.-


They said so but I feel myself weird lo!

First try on 厚劉海, it doesnt look thick anyway but, not that bad bah?!
(p\s: weird only mah. lol)

Tuesday, August 31, 2010 ;

Malaysia's Independence Day, which is a public holiday for whole Malaysia!


Actually no matter what big day it is, as long as its a break for me then Im happy. x)

As planned, we balik kampung ~ Ulu Yam to have yum yum LOH MIAN ~ the famous food of my dad's kampung!

Yeah, balik kampung Go, Go, Go! (p\s: Nardo 上身麽?)

Its super hot! 太陽好刺眼哦! (不要懷疑, 我是在幫飛輪海打歌啦!)
聽説阿尊有一首solo耶, 期待啊!

Yao cheh hor around there before we actually went for our lunch.

Daddy's primary school!

Old building that he studied at before is under renovation.

A bridge that they often passed by when small and 小姑姑 always drop from this into the river and become a 落湯鷄. Hahahaha! So funny ^^
(Hey the guy, why suddenly came into the picture huh?!)

Looks like couple mah? (有人說, 女兒是爸爸上輩子的情人哦!)

No picture for LOH MIAN and fish cake aka 魚餅 'cause I forgot to save the photos that I took using Iphone -.-'

Walked around again, of course with car not eleven(legs)~~

Dad's secondary school~

Then, second dine at a XXX restaurant again, I forgot its name.

This meimei la, keep playing with the phone non-stop de wor! 輻射死她就知道!

Dishes there were damn nice, no wonder we need to fight with others to get a table to sit la ;p

Hmm, delicious especially this ▼
Not tom yam, not curry... I dunno what it called -.-

&& the dine only costs 60 bucks for five persons; its hard to find such cheap and nice food in KL now!

After that, we visited daddy's grand-uncle.

Grand grand-uncle looks like a 非洲難民 orh, he is so thin! I was like triple of him orh!

Playing with Iphone 's camera while the adults are busy chit-chatting~

There are a lot more photos but daddy dont let me to touch his Iphone now -.-
Photos above are those I uploaded to my weibo during the trip.

Sunday, August 29, 2010 ;

Woke up at 10+, took bath and had my breakfast ~ fish head noodles before we off to fetch 大姑姑 and headed to 小姑姑's house.

Let me introduce the new member of their big family~

This cutie named Iris, is my ermm.. I think is 表姪女 bah? 'cause I called her dad 表哥 de.

She was just five months old & little Iris likes to play 'knock-head-game' orh; knock her head to others' head.

She was so cute and playful!

Hmm.. last time was Kayden, now is Iris so next target or should I say, 'next victim', will be JiaYi JieJie's son ~ Chu Cheng.

Babies are fun to play with! <3

Home sweet home at about 2.30pm and we went out again to see a 中醫師 @ Sri Petaling at 3pm.

The 中醫師 helped mummy to 刮痧!

OhGosh, I can feel her pain! So geli arh! I will never try it de!

At night after dinner, dad suddenly said he wanna go Popular @ S.Pyramid to buy something and this gave me a chance of pre-ordering Hebe's album.

Members got 15% rebate orh.. so, the album ended up only cost 39 bucks which is considered as 'cheap' for me. Heehee~

&& thanks to daddy! He signed his credit card 'cause I didnt bring my purse along and I dont think Im going to pay him back the money lo; 我很會佔便宜的! *偷笑ing*

Aww... only few days more, really cant wait to get my album!!

Friday, August 27, 2010 ;

Step Up 3 in 3D @ One U at night with Weiyi and Lisan.

Maybe its a holiday in Selangor bah so One U was so packed that day!

Cant even find a parking slot to squeeze in but we were lucky enough to find one before the movie starts. God blessed!

This movie was cool, the dancers were awesome too!

Is a must watch movie for those who likes dance a lot!

Even I, who know nothing about the dance is also appreciate their dancing skills so much!

Especially the machine/robotic dance, meimei said that's called popping wor, that was N.I.C.E! I like it ^^

Best romantic scene of those movies that I watched in year 2010!

One word ~ Y.E.N.G!

After movie, called Tian Xin out to have supper together at the mamak near her house.

Shared roti planta with her and had teh o ice limau. That was nice, I mean the teh o ice limau la, the roti planta was so greasy! 

Reached home about 1am. Thank you Weiyi for being the driver; I promised, my turn next time!

Its 12:36am now! && gotta run, time to hit my bed!
Good nightz and sweet dreams! :*)


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