Saturday, May 22, 2010 - 0 comments


他們好像聯合起來折磨我一樣, 我感覺自己快死掉了啦!
前幾天突然便秘, 害我猛吞了好多好多我討厭的水果;
接著好不容易有點好轉了, 胃漲風又來找我, 害我得喝下那噁心又嗆的姜水;
再來就是我好久不見的老朋友~鼻血大姐, 她好像和好朋友約好了一樣, 同一時間報到,
現在是怎樣啊? 是要我失血過多嗎?! 那倒不如乾脆抽完我的血好了 -.-
失眠也算是老朋友了啦, 搞得我整天渾渾噩噩的, 頭脹得快爆炸了!
搞什麽啊? 這樣子算英雄好漢嗎?! 討厭死了!

May 15~18 : P2 EDC/EFC
I have only one word to describe these four days ~ 「 E-X-H-A-U-S-T-E-D! 」
Feels so tired everyday after class. So sleepy and tired but at night still cannot sleep. *可憐的我*
This is the most stressful class among the three that I have attended!
Long hours [average everyday 8am to 7pm] and get scolded by Ms.Menon 'indirectly' every moment!
p\s: I'm not saying that Menon likes to scold ppl but just we're the one who didn't finish our own work so baru get scolded nia. No offence, okay?!

May 18~20 : F8 EDC/EFC
Supposed to be a three-days revision classes but I only attended two since it clashed with P2.
Ha, skipped one day x)
At first, I thought the class will be so stressful but it was just the opposite.
Basically, I'm just nodding my head and keeping my mouth shut throughout the class because Ms.Kiran is the only one who did all the talking and answering. Phew~`` I thought she'll be so fierce tim :p

On the last day of the revision, we are invited to a talk somewhen during the classes.
They first let us to watch some videos before the talk is actually started.
Wao, the videos are cool! 全部剪接的像電影一樣! So yeng man!
Urm... The talk was given by Mr. Tan Theng Hooi~the country managing partner of Deloitte..
One of his delegates even including PM's son~Mr.Nizar Najib.
Actually I didn't realize that he's Najib's son at all, until Ms.Kiran told us.
I just felt that ohhh this guy is quite handsome and he looks so young.
Btw, he's also a former Sunway student who suffers from PT and mock exams in the past too.

Although the talk is quite boring, I would say that it's worth to listen.
Oh ya, thanks for Kiran's chocolate and the lunch provided after the talk~ It saved my money :D
Truly hope that I'll pass audit and the other two papers this round!~
Gooood luckk!!

倒數計時 ; 死期來臨 !
Final is coming soon in about 2 weeks time <-- I HATE IT!
Really have no mood to sit and study quietly.
Totally cannot concentrate at all.
Haiz... What else can I do?

p\s :
Some of the CE fans are making a guess that BaoBei may be filming her new movie with Chun at the end of this year. I'm not sure whether this is true or not but me myself had a strong feeling that her new partner may be Mark instead of AhZunZun lo. Hopefully their prediction are correct and mine is wrong!~ Once again, hope the news about the movie will come out ASAP~ Really can't wait to see Ella on the 'big screen' ♥


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