Thursday, April 8, 2010 - 0 comments

Mummy got bitten by a dog!

I know that it shouldn't be so funny at all but I just can't stop myself from laughing especially when I heard the question asked by yewyew every time -- 你屁股還痛嗎?. *Sorry! Sorry!*

Mummy was bitten by a wolfhound few days ago near Bukit Gasing there.
After fetching yewyew to school, she went there to do exercise as usual but then I guess even she herself also never thought that she will be bitten by dog bah?!
My dad and I always ask her to bring a stick along with her but she refuses to listen to us.
Look, that's the result of being disobedient!
Luckily there is no any negative effects, say like tetanus or some other diseases.
Hoooh.. 真是不幸中的大幸啊~

p\s: I felt so sad for my mum to have this kind of daughter like me x(

The lessons learned:  I'll continue to hate dogs!!



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