Thursday, April 30, 2009 - , 0 comments


harlo.. good morning.. hee.. today might be the day i woke up the earliest among these few days le.. 我這幾天一直過著頽廢的生活..
i have finished watching <遇見完美鄰居的方法> while i'm waiting for <痞子> and <愛宅>.. honestly speaking, korean drama 真的很婆媽、拖拖拉拉的..
now i'm thinking to watch <聊齋·奇女子>.. because it looks so interesting when i saw the trailer from astro.. and the most important thing is this drama was acted by 范文芳..
oh my godness.. i'm beoming a 宅女 now during this holiday.. watch movies/drama、online and chit-chat、do some housework nia.. so, when am i going to start my revision leh??! i dunno.. i'm a lazy fellow.. and i like to enjoy first instead of suffering.. mayb i'll do it at the very last minute gua..

*yay* it was thursday again.. pasar malam.. pasar malam.. woohoo.. i almost went there every thursdays.. except for exam weeks la..
sometimes i'll go there with yew²(mei mei) or else will go with daddy and mummy.. v can only buy drinks(ice-blended) or some snacks if v are going with mum and dad.. because i have no money ma.. so, i'm just walking around to see some new things if i went there alone..

today is the last day of april lu.. 我很期待明天的到來哦!~ 05.01是個很好的日子..
JERRY x ELLA = 就想賴著妳! 這對*平果*組合到底會為我們帶來什麽樣的驚喜呢?!!
敬請期待2009年, 最浪漫最爆笑現代版灰姑娘愛情奇遇記~~ 就讓項羽平楊果來告訴我們答案吧~
finally.. the news is out.. ella finally has confirmed that she will be acting in this drama.. 呵呵.. JE is a new combination.. hope they will 產生一些不一樣的火花..
律師 vs 保姆.. 誰k.o.誰呢??


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